Thinking Of Going Marine

Agreed, except a 4x2x2 tank is a 120g. 75g is standard 4x18x18

Opps your absolutely right Ski, my apologies didn't calculate the actual volume. That is 120g in US gallons right? I think in imperial gallons that is ~100g.
Hey, Andy why not go for Regal tang or Powder blue tang. I love Powder blue tangs they are tenacious little fellows. Did anyone else see blue planet a few years back? Those two powder blues were not going to give up the algae to that whole shoal of convict tangs; they must have been out numbered something like 30-40:1. Hehe (CF chuckles to himself in a kind of reminiscent way :rolleyes: )

Agreed, except a 4x2x2 tank is a 120g. 75g is standard 4x18x18

Opps your absolutely right Ski, my apologies didn't calculate the actual volume. That is 120g in US gallons right? I think in imperial gallons that is ~100g.
Hey, Andy why not go for Regal tang or Powder blue tang. I love Powder blue tangs they are tenacious little fellows. Did anyone else see blue planet a few years back? Those two powder blues were not going to give up the algae to that whole shoal of convict tangs; they must have been out numbered something like 30-40:1. Hehe (CF chuckles to himself in a kind of reminiscent way :rolleyes: )


Hmmmm! Dont think my tank will be big enough to have either a Regal or Powder Blue. Dont they need tanks that are 120G min. I dont have room for that. What would be better a 100x45x55 or a 88x45x67? I would have thought that the 100 would be better, even though it holds slightly less water, than the 88. the 100 holds 65 USG while the 88 holds 70 USG.
If we're talking cm here, then yes, the 100cm tank would be better but still not ideal. Something like a Kole tang might do ok in that dimension though...
Right so the 100 is better than the 88
Yes, these fish do better with room in at least one dimension to swim as opposed to more cuboidal shaped tanks...
Thanks SkiFletch your advice is much appreciated
How much Live Rock would i need for a L100cm x W44cm x 51cm tank. Would 30kg be enough or would i need more, if so how much? Thanks in advance.
30kg should be enough to start things off, though in the end i had 30kilos in my 180 litre tank! you can always add fully cycled live rock if you want at a later date.

for a tang take a look at yellow eye kole tang or tomini i only had a quick scan through but didnt see them mentioned?
How about 40kg then would that be enough!
Thanks Orange, just doing alot of research befor i take the plunge, dont want anything to go wrong!

EDIT: Would normal play sand be ok to use or would i need to buy a certain type of sand!
How far along are you with the planning?


You need to get aragonite substrate (coral sand) but don't get the live stuff it is just a con. There is more life in a grave yard than in a bag of livesand.
I'd only get live rock from trimar if there offering a MUCH better price than your lfs. It's much better to pick out the pieces IMO.

check here for sand,much better price:

its better to buy salt in bulk as it works out cheaper, so buy a 20 or 25kg bucket!

i wouldnt buy a fish r fun skimmer, go for a better make like deltec ect.

get a few koralia 3's for better circulation

youve only shown a reef test kit there, you also will need a saltwater master test kit

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