What works for one may not work for another!
Your equipment list is correct. still need to pick out some particulars there, but the general items are listed
What like?
Your equipment list is correct. still need to pick out some particulars there, but the general items are listed
What like?
It depends what corals you want to keep (softies, lps, etc).
It depends what corals you want to keep (softies, lps, etc).
1 Blue Mushroom
1 Red Mushroom
1 Devils Leather Finger
1 Kenya Tree
1 Green Star Polyp
Yellow tangs are not happy in a 50g as orange said but require at least 75g.
Thanks Flamehawk for your imput! Much appreciated
Edit: After further reading i think that my proposed clean up crew is a little on the small side so would say:
1 Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit
1 Scarlet Hermit
1 Cleaner Shrimp
6 Turbos Snails
Would these numbers be better?
If you are getting a tang (which i think you shouldn't) you could probably do with less snails, but still more than just 6.
Because that would be ignorant of me to keep a tang in a 3 feet tank when i feel they need double that. Snails probably do a better job anyway.