Thinking Of Going Marine

What like?

Like the tank you are going to get and the lighting unit etc.. Any ideas yet ;)
And no as I said previously 48"x24"x24" is the minimum size for a yellow tang. 62g is still 13g short of the minimum but we are getting closer :good: .

What type of lighting am i looking to need then, especially for the corals.
It depends what corals you want to keep (softies, lps, etc).

1 Blue Mushroom
1 Red Mushroom
1 Devils Leather Finger
1 Kenya Tree
1 Green Star Polyp
It depends what corals you want to keep (softies, lps, etc).

1 Blue Mushroom
1 Red Mushroom
1 Devils Leather Finger
1 Kenya Tree
1 Green Star Polyp

I did say above. You have two options: 1) 2x 150-250W metal halides +/- T5 actinics 2) T5 luminaire with a 50:50 mix daylight marine: actinic 4x 54W tubes
The former will do most corals softies, LPS and SPS while the latter will allow you to keep softies and most, if not all, LPS. However with the luminaire SPS will realistically be unsuitable under that lighting. We want corals to thrive not simply live.

Hope this helps clarify and any more questions just ask

75 us gallons is still rude for a tang in my opinion. I had one in my 75 gal, and he didnt have as much swimming room as I thought he should have had with my rockwork. As for skimmers, they are around $150 if you average out the crappy ones and the good ones and you always want to over rate your skimmer, meaning if you have a 75 gal, go for the skimmer for a 100 gal. This is mostly because of corals.
Thanks Flamehawk for your imput! Much appreciated :good:

Edit: After further reading i think that my proposed clean up crew is a little on the small side so would say:

1 Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit
1 Scarlet Hermit
1 Cleaner Shrimp
6 Turbos Snails

Would these numbers be better?
Thanks Flamehawk for your imput! Much appreciated :good:

Edit: After further reading i think that my proposed clean up crew is a little on the small side so would say:

1 Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit
1 Scarlet Hermit
1 Cleaner Shrimp
6 Turbos Snails

Would these numbers be better?

Well i have 60 snails in my 65 gallon tank (astraea) so i dont think 6 would be enough for you, unless you are getting those jumbo ones that act as lawnmowers and bulldozers (knock corals and rocks out of their place)

If you are getting a tang (which i think you shouldn't) you could probably do with less snails, but still more than just 6.
If you are getting a tang (which i think you shouldn't) you could probably do with less snails, but still more than just 6.

Why not get a Tang? So what about 11 snails any better?
Because that would be ignorant of me to keep a tang in a 3 feet tank when i feel they need double that. Snails probably do a better job anyway.
Because that would be ignorant of me to keep a tang in a 3 feet tank when i feel they need double that. Snails probably do a better job anyway.

Musho, the suggested 75g is 4ft x 2ft x 2ft which is IMO the bare minimum needed with regards room. I think one or two fish of about 8 inches eg yellow tang and purple tang or maybe a brown tang would be able to exercise sufficiently. Also if the algae grazing snails are kept to a minimum, if at all any are kept, the tangs will have a supply of food. It will of course need to be supplimented with sea weed and the like though as the supply begins to diminish.

I do hear what you say though about the 6 foot aquarium and I agree it would be better. However people have budges and space limits so it may not always be possible to have an aquarium that big. I think if it has been shown that a species of fish is happy living in an aquarium of a given size then that should suffice. I believe that many people have kept yellow tangs in 4ft aquaria and literature from experienced fish keepers suggest this as the lower limit; we should therefore accept this is sufficient evidence that tangs are happy in such an environment.

Agreed, except a 4x2x2 tank is a 120g. 75g is standard 4x18x18

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