They've Spawned!!!!


Li'l Ole Fish Lady
Aug 31, 2003
Reaction score
New York
Tonight, when I went to check on my new black C. aeneus, :wub: I found eggs on the side of the tank. I'm so surprised and happy, especially since I did nothing to condition them or to encourage them to spawn. They are still in their quarantine tank, as a matter of fact.


The actual eggs are on the left side of the picture (which is the back of the tank), and the others are just a reflection. There is another dozen or so on the other side of the tank as well.
Here are some pictures I took of the corys yesterday.


WoW that was quick !!! Congratulations :thumbs:
Good luck with the fry :)
Awww! Congrats Inchworm! :thumbs:

The Cories are absolutely gorgeous. I love the black coloring. And they look so cute. :wub:

Best of luck with the fry!
Polardbear said:
Thats awesome Inchworm! It's also great to hear some happy Cory news right now! :D
It sure is, Polardbear! :nod:

This morning I found another small patch of eggs under the little cluster on the other side of the tank.

Last night I split the airline for the box filter I am using in their tank and set up an airstone near the big patch of eggs. The box filter itself will provide water movement around the smaller clusters. Later today I'll set up another tank and move the adults into it so that the fry can hatch and be raised right where they are.
In just a few days the fry that hatched from these eggs will be two months old. I thought you might like to have a look at how they are growing. :)

They now have a sand bottom and a sponge filter in their tank, and are eating a diet of chopped blackworms along with their microworms. Try as I might, they won't eat flake food at all.

And here's another picture of them.


Aren't they sweet? :wub:
oh wooooooooooooow ! They are amazing ! :hyper: :fun:
How many do you think you have ? At what age can they be sent to their new homes (I kinda presume you're not keeping all of them :huh: ).

Well done !
Hi bloozoo2 :)

I usually keep my fry for about 8 months or so. Corys tend to be slow growers, especially at first, and I like to get them off to a good start. Now that they are eating blackworms, they will start to grow faster, too. :D
that is awesome...look at all those cories :cool:

How hard is it to get them to spawn and to hatch the eggs and all that stuff?
Look like tadpoles to me. :p I'd like to get some black Aeneus but I'm stocked up on my tanks for now. I'm going to get a 20g long soon however with a pair of gold bristlenoses so I might get some for that tank.
They are so adorable!

I wasn't having any luck getting my batch of new cories to eat flake flood until I added one of my older corys to the tank they were in. As soon as they saw her eating flake they all started eating it to. It was so funny to see them suddenly realize that it was food. Maybe when yours get a little bigger you might give that a try.

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