My New Bettas Arrived Safe And Sound Today!

Newbies all doing well. Davros settled straight in and is happy with his shrimp tank mates. lil Sprout and Twinkle are always in the Amazon Frogbit when they're resting. Twinkle is showing stress bars, but no-one has bothered her. lil Sprout is the boldest of the three! Rainbow vanished yesterday, but I know she hides out in the Java Fern,- and there's so much of that! She did venture out of it for her breakfast this morning, and is looking lovely! She swam around for a couple of mins before returning to her plant! No-one has picked on anyone else,- I'm really lucky with all my bettas :D

ooh,- it's going to seem like a long time until Thursday! I can't wait to see pics of them in their new home. I'm especially excited to see how Shadow is looking now as her colour's changed so much! :D
Glad there doing well Nicki, hope mine settle in as well, the only fish i think will bother them is Orchid, she likes to throw her weight around :rolleyes:

I will hopfully have 6 arriving Thursday (Nats 3 and 3 from Wayne!) went for female 3 too in the end :lol: It is going to be a long week waiting for them :sad:

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