The Upgrade Has Landed!

wicked vids and im lovein the tank now its running makin me want to upgrade already lol

Constructive day today :good:

Woke up to find the first of two deliveries had came, my Bubble Magus NAC7 :D





Just bedding it in, so hope to see some skimmate in the morning.

Also in the parcel was the reef paste I ordered, this stuff is awesome! You stick a blob on the glass and when the fish eat it or flow reaches it, it releases lots of particulate food for corals and filter feeders :)



I went to my LFS after this (more below....)

When I got home the second parcel had arrived, the Narva blue tubes. These have the same spectrum as the ATI blue+ bulbs but only cost £9 each. Fitted them alongside two 6500k tubes (waiting on a KZ 14k to come on Sunday) but already they have made a difference B-)








A little bit too blue for my taste so hoping the 14k will whiten it up a bit.

So, about the trip to the LFS........well, I was a bit naughty :devil: and alongside some bumble bee snails (as I like to feed meaty foods for the LPS) and some new era aegis pellets, I came home with this:



A magnificent foxface :thumbs:

My yellow tang was a bit aggressive to start with, and the foxface darkened and hid near the weir for a short time. I was very anxious at this point! I kept watch to make sure things didn't go too far out of hand, when I saw the foxface regain normal colouring and charge the yellow tang with his spines raised! Suffice to say the tang is now leaving him alone :lol:
:drool: a bubble magnus - nice one :good:

I like the look of the blue tubes on the tank.

After you have used the paste for a while will you give us an update please? It has ammino acids in doesnt it?
Morning Seffie :)

The skimmer is ace, I checked it this morning before I left for work and it is already pulling skimmate out - very quiet too!

My family like the blues but the 14k I have coming is apparently quite blue for a white tube so hopefully it will just lighten it a touch. It's great to see the greens on the corals accentuated with blues :good:

The reef paste does indeed have amino acids which are supposed to stimulate a feeding response from the fish and coral. I put a blob in last night and immediately the clowns and wrasse located it and started picking at it. I've read of people putting a blob in the return chamber of their sump at lights out for a slow feed for the corals over the evening.

No more additions for this month as I want to let everything settle. :)
After 36hrs the skimmer is pulling out some serious muck :sick:

The Foxface is still quite timid and hangs around the back of the tank (which I've read is normal)but does venture out every now and again, he is showing normal colouring and eating well :good:
He seems better this evening :good: still using his camouflage a lot though!

I finally plumber my RO unit in tonight :D only had two leaks :lol: once where I didn't seal the sediment filter correctly, and the pressure made it jet out all over the place! The other one was where the manufacturers didn't connect the bypass line correctly, all sorted now though :good:
That reef paste is amazing stuff, i had the pleasure to use it before it was launched and now use the entire range :)
Might try the reef paste myself :) how much does it cost?

Loving the foxface mate :hyper: will be getting one myself once i have sorted my new tank. I wouldn't worry about him being shy, there fairly shy anyway so just give it time :) oh and watch your hand when your in the tank :lol: you will know about it if you catch them spines :lol:
Just watched the video, tanks looking nice mate, well done! :good:

Thanks mate :)

That reef paste is amazing stuff, i had the pleasure to use it before it was launched and now use the entire range :)

I really like it, one of my largest pieces of rock has loads of feather dusters on and they all seem to appear when it's in the tank :good: I'm tempted to try the sticks but I think it's just the same recipe in a different format? Any recommendations?

Might try the reef paste myself :) how much does it cost?

Loving the foxface mate :hyper: will be getting one myself once i have sorted my new tank. I wouldn't worry about him being shy, there fairly shy anyway so just give it time :) oh and watch your hand when your in the tank :lol: you will know about it if you catch them spines :lol:

I got 125ml of reef paste for £10.99, or you can get 250ml for around £18 (I started with a small one as wasn't sure the fish would go for it :lol:

The foxface (now known as "Foxy" in our house, very original :D ) is settling in well, he is much more active now and eats well. The yellow tang mostly ignores him now, he does flare occasionally and "bump" him (not with the tail scalpel) but Foxy shrugs it off and retains his normal colouring :)

He doesn't seem to like the cleaner wrasse giving him a clean, and flares :lol:

Here's a bad pic of him I took yesterday


A few bits to update on tonight, the skimmer is doing the business!


As said above I finally managed to plumb the RO unit in, a few issues but got there in the end - check out my mains pressure:


And the unit


Had a complete nightmare tonight, as I noticed a small drip coming from the pipe connector on the saddle valve. Went to tighten it with a spanner, the pipe came off :rolleyes: for some reason the plastic olive they give to seal the pipe just didn't grip so I resorted to using the metal item instead. Sorted and I've managed to produce enough RO for the water change tomorrow.

I took this pic of my new conch doing his job, love these guys so much


Very nice setup. Will look at the "Across the Pond" version of the reef paste. Looks interesting to me.

Not looking forward to hooking up my RO. :rolleyes:
By sticks do you mean reef pellets? If so I use them aswell lol. I tend to crush them into a coarse powder to feed smaller fish, corals, tube nems and such.

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