Bit of a long update this one
Found lots of scypha sponges in my sump - apparently a sign of a maturing tank?
The fish are doing well, the foxface and yellow tang are almost inseparable now
The tang is still the boss of the tank however

love him to bits.
The cleaner wrasse is doing very well, eats everything that can fit in his mouth, and eats Nori from the clip!
The hermits are characters too, found one destroying my neomeris algae
And one who thinks he's a pistol shrimp?
Noticing lots of coral growth, the green mushrooms are taking off
These purples were hitch hikers on my LR
The hammer is getting bigger, I can see new polyps forming
The galaxia seems really happy too
And the Trachy I picked up tonight from a local reefer closing down his tank
When added
And after 30 mins, not seen it fully expanded yet as the lights went off about an hour after I added it
Also, I've got lots of a nice greeny/yellow sponge growing on my LR
- plenty of food for this little bloater!!!
An Eibl angel
I wasn't planning on adding more stock yet, but the system is handling the bio load with ease, and she is so different to the usual flame/coral beauty

A local reefer had her in a tank which she out grew and he moved her on, she makes good use of the length in her new home so I hope she will behave herself for me in return

Fine so far
Going to concentrate on coral for a while now. I sold my nano in a cash + frags deal so I've got a few various SPS coming on Saturday. When I get paid again I'll be picking up some test kits to monitor calcium etc. and look to begin a dosing regime - need to read up on calcium reactors or stuff like balling/zeo etc.
This hobby doesn't half drag you in!