Ice Queen
Various shrimp, malaysian trumpet snails, rummy noses, harlequins and the corydoras. That's pretty much it. I may have 2 corydoras species - I like skunks, and corydoras duplicateus (I think that's the name...) - the skunks are more affordable though.
Rob: I'm not sure. I'll look into it, and see what bits of pipe I have floating about. I was hoping to use the extension pipe for the inlet to make the outlet longer, but it's just a fraction too narrow
don't want to force it in case it breaks - they're not exactly known for being sturdy these aps filter parts! 
Rob: I'm not sure. I'll look into it, and see what bits of pipe I have floating about. I was hoping to use the extension pipe for the inlet to make the outlet longer, but it's just a fraction too narrow