Fish Expert
Use the spray bar and point it towards the glass mate, my U3 is pretty decent on that setting.
Use the spray bar and point it towards the glass mate, my U3 is pretty decent on that setting.
Either that or place some bog wood in front of the outlets to try and disperse the flow around the tank better.
still no FTS's of any ture worth
still no FTS's of any ture worth
how dare you Sir! What on Earth do you call this?
Angels seem to be doing fine in their temporary home. Was greeted by all five this morning as they eagerly came to the surface to feed. Am very pleased about choosing them as the centerpiece for the tank now.
Starting to ponder about the scape of the new tank. Would love to get it right first time but know it will take a lot of tinkering and probably a lot of additional plants & wood before I'm anywhere near happy. One thought is to take the existing 3 foot scape (which I like) and move it across exactly the same into the four foot. This will leave 1 foot of barren sand and open swimming area - like a beach that runs straight into a forest.
Hehe, sorry!
what strain of angels did you go for?