'the Slow Burner' - Pics & Vid 21/08

I still think you can plant this baby, but I'm really stubborn. The above is very nice too. Some amazing wood there!
Not a great pic and I've not fine tuned the decor just yet but this should give you an idea of what I was talking about:

I really like that set-up. Clean and simple with the fish being the main attraction.

The lighting looks nice and subdued. What tubes have you got?

I still think you can plant this baby, but I'm really stubborn.

I'm waiting ANYONE to say that they have Sevs and plants!

But whilst we wait - what plants could I have? I presume I'd still need to does ferts - but the dosing will be huge for a 320L tank, no? I'm currently using TPN+
Not a great pic and I've not fine tuned the decor just yet but this should give you an idea of what I was talking about:

I really like that set-up. Clean and simple with the fish being the main attraction.

The lighting looks nice and subdued. What tubes have you got?

I still think you can plant this baby, but I'm really stubborn.

I'm waiting ANYONE to say that they have Sevs and plants!

But whilst we wait - what plants could I have? I presume I'd still need to does ferts - but the dosing will be huge for a 320L tank, no? I'm currently using TPN+

Well what's pictured in the link is a really great indication of what you can have. Amazon swords, cryptocorynes, Anything with a strong root structure. An Amazon sword collection would be pretty Amazing. Larger swords to the back with patches of E. tennelus in the foreground, leave bare substrate and rocks for the severum. They'd need ferts more than anything else. Perhaps not CO2. Depends on how you choose to do maintenance. The thing is that people tend to add fish right after they plant plants. Of course a severum's going to be able to tackle a freshly planted sword. But an established sword strongly rooted into the substrate. Takes about 1-2 months for plants to securely anchor to the substrate. I can barely pull out a well-established sword. Most people don't wait that long to add stock. The only problem fish is the severum. Everything else in that tank are fine with planted tanks. this is just my opinion, you can certainly go for fake plants, and the system would pretty too. Hehehe, if you can do it, then well, you can tell others that it's doable. You're great with plants, so why not marry the two?

I don't know, seeing that planted piranha tank so lush and healthy really altered how I see planted tanks.
The thing is that people tend to add fish right after they plant plants. Of course a severum's going to be able to tackle a freshly planted sword. But an established sword strongly rooted into the substrate.

that should not be a problem. My plan is a gradual change from one tank to the other and the Sev will probably be the last addition (the Rotkeils are quite scare, apparently, so may take some time to source one anyway), so letting the plants settle in first will not be an issue.

In terms of ferts, I'm currently dosing 4ml TPN+ per day into my 125L and adding 2.5ml EasyCarbo (2 x40w T8s). What would I need TPN wise in a 320L without dosing carbon and under 2 x 54w T%s?

I assume I will need a 'proper' plant substrate as well underneath the sand?

Having a think about the 'centerpiece' of this tank. What about a group of angels instead? So the plan would be

Keeping -
1 angel
1 BN
2 Bolivian Rams
3 Rosy White Tip Tetra
5 albino bronze corys

New Addtions
- 5 angels (6 total)
- 5 more Rosy White Tip Tetra - 8 total (if I can find some)
- 3 more albino bronze corys (8 total)

or is 6 angels too much for a 4ft?
Sounds good, i think adding 5 will also quell any agggression with the current angel

When we gonna see the tank on cabinet in place :p :)
Sounds good, i think adding 5 will also quell any agggression with the current angel

When we gonna see the tank on cabinet in place :p :)

clue is in the title.......4-5 months???? :lol:

Might get some time in my Man-Shed this weekend to do some more cleaning and prep (you can see that state of the light fittings!). And if I want to do it 'properly' I'm going to paint some of the metal fittings and trim before I put it in the house.
That tank is SWEET!! :good: That severum is so beautiful.

Floaters would look awesome in that tank.

You can keep severums if you establish the plants first, and are clever to use your hardscape to help protect the plants, then add the fish. Takes a little bit of time, though. I've seen severums with live plants. hahaha! You said this was going to be a slow burner. :lol:

I don't add CO2 or dose this tank, have a look at my journal.


Are you going to stick with plants from the same region or are you flexible?

Red: Ahhaha, sorry the child in me took over!
Green: IMHO i don't think this will work. My experience with Sevs and plants has not been good. My current little Sev, which was from Lesley on here, is an absolute blighter with plants. So much so i've given up and gone synthetic, which has helped matters, but i have alternate problems now, in the way of torn off plastic leaves floating around the tops of the tank.

In my experience Sevs are an absolute no go with plants. Floating plants will constantly be nibbled at as well.

Best thing to do is get two tanks - one for the Sevs and one for plants :lol: That's what I did as I love them both :lol:

Chilli, i believe one of your sevs (atleast) is one of Star4's, and you too have had the same issues no? Sevs and plants just arent going to work, not unless your lucky!


Having a think about the 'centerpiece' of this tank. What about a group of angels instead? So the plan would be

Keeping -
1 angel
1 BN
2 Bolivian Rams
3 Rosy White Tip Tetra
5 albino bronze corys

New Addtions
- 5 angels (6 total)
- 5 more Rosy White Tip Tetra - 8 total (if I can find some)
- 3 more albino bronze corys (8 total)

or is 6 angels too much for a 4ft?

Your stocking sounds good. As much as Sevs would really look great in the tank you are hoping to create, i jsut can't see them working with plants. Angels however, just as good an alternative....if you go for natural angels ;) Not the horrible marbled or koi variants which are just nasty excuses for fish IMO.

Keep us updated!
if you go for natural angels ;) Not the horrible marbled or koi variants which are just nasty excuses for fish IMO.

Keep us updated!

really really really dont like the marbled or koi ones. I think I'd be tempted to go with the same colour morph for all six.
Yes, then i like your plans! The more natural silver angels with dark banding look jaw-droppingly gorgeous in groups. Its certainly something i'd love to try one day. I've always envisioned a 6ft tank with a group of 9 such angels swimming around a blackwater amazonian biotope. Redmoor for roots, and nothing but rigorously contained cabomba stalks everywhere....
I'm back in the room, sorry :p
Space wise I think you'd just about get away with it, but I don't know much about how well angels get on in groups - I vaguely remember stories from here of pairs being very aggressive, but may be getting confused with other SA/CA cichlids.

I tried the planted route - I tied on a good few pieces of java fern and anubias to the bog wood. My rotkeil treated them as an afternoon snack, hence the artificial route. I've no idea what lighting is in there as they came with the tank - I know it has four tubes (2 x twin light units) and I usually just use one set (as in that picture.) The second unit has one moonlight (long story) and it seems to bring out the colouring but in a different way. I prefer the muted look of just the one set - it seems to give the colouring depth, if that makes any sense.
Oh i know. Altumsss, one day! That is literally fish pornography!
Sounds good, i think adding 5 will also quell any agggression with the current angel

When we gonna see the tank on cabinet in place :p :)

clue is in the title.......4-5 months???? :lol:

Might get some time in my Man-Shed this weekend to do some more cleaning and prep (you can see that state of the light fittings!). And if I want to do it 'properly' I'm going to paint some of the metal fittings and trim before I put it in the house.

Haha, stupid me.

I think angels are great, i also agree about the marbled/koi, im not a massive fan, although i have a platinum, which i find pretty stunning, would love to up my numbers, only have the one atm, would like to see say 5/6 platinums in a group, they really stand out against a more planted tank too..
following this with intrest ZZ!

btw, this is an altum tank!


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