filling it right now. Heater cable is annoyingly short . Will need an extension
they're my fave strainwhat strain of angels did you go for?
P. Scalare - silver and black stripes. I already have 1 adult of the same colour.
Looking good Zod, any chance of some other angles, gotta turn my brightness down with those T5sCan you lower them aswell?
What was the other stocking?
The harlequins will be fine to stay, I also keep them in a "South American" type of setup.. but I do recommend that in a tank that size, you aim at at least 15 fish per schooling species, anything less is not fair on the fish, especially as you have the space.
I think they will be my 'guilty pleasure' for this tank. Yes, will gladly be looking to up the numbers
Cichlids are territorial fish, and I don't think you have enough bottom area for any more of them. If you get two pairs of angels spawning, where will the rest go? As it is now, there probably will be space, but with more cichlids.. probably not.
fair point - I wasn't thinking about the territorial breeding issue.
Some people probably mentioned neon and angel issues already, but my well fed angels always left the 4-5 cm neons alone. If you decide to try the two together in the long term, I recommend you get more now, before the angels are big enough to eat them, and feed them well enough so that they grow quickly.
I'm not that fussed about keeping neons long term. They worked with my current adult angel (grew up with them) but I think they would need to be in numbers of 30+ to make an impact in the tank, and I'm not prepared to give that space over this species.
One thing you could really do with is a lot more plants, of course
very much so - into the murky world of horticulture I go. Can't say I'm massively excited about the prospect