Well an update after my trip to the shop. This shop is about 50mins drive each way, but is worth the effort: with prices about 20% cheaper than my local job as its a wholesaler.
Couldnt get a microworm culture, however did get some decaps brine shrimp eggs, and plan to hatch some of them. Got the liquifry no 1: egglayers, and invested in a 12x7x7 tank to raise the fish in, as well as a sponge filter...heating is not going to be a problem...just keeping em near my malawi tank keeps the water at a lovely 21 degrees celsius. Have the aeration system set up with a couple of airstones available.
So now i have a breeding setup: Small tank (3L) tank for hatching, Grow out tank (12L), Breeding/Adult tank (28L). None of them are heated(i love ambient heating lol), although if needs be i will invest in a mini heater. Air stone/stones only for the hatching tank, Grow out has Airstone/sponge filter(cycling in main tank atm), and adult tank has a small canister. Also have second tank 12L grow out incase my cichlids breed
or the pandas get really randy
As for the three babies, they are looking healthy and lovely. They look sooo. cute with their big barbels and tiny tails, seem happy to eat liquifry.
Pics soon