The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Happy halloween!

Hey Lovelies....

Bad news... I cant find Poppy the Peppermint shrimp. She wasnt out eating like the other three always do, and i still cant find her today...
Hey lovelies...

I have started seeing 1 or 2 white spots on my fish recently, I have already done 2 doses of the white spot treatment and I have caught it early on, so hopefully it won't be a big deal... All of my fish are fine though.

Hey lovelies....

1 of the male yellow pingus died yesterday..... I think that tank is cursed. I moved the remaining 2 to my big tank in hopes they live.
Hey lovelies....

1 of the male yellow pingus died yesterday..... I think that tank is cursed. I moved the remaining 2 to my big tank in hopes they live.
:sad: the smallest Glass Catfish I had who never really swam with the group died yesterday as well, he's been fine for weeks then was swimming weird and then pretty much 2 minutes after putting him in a smaller tank to watch him he just convulsed and died :/

In other news, got some nice flat rocks form around my parent's pond they had going around the edged, broke some so I could make rock formations and keeping the larger ones to hold onto the driftwood. Picked up some KrazyGlue and if that doesn't bond the wood/rocks I got some fishing line I'll use as well. Aquascape today!
FFound another glass catfish on his way out, had to end it for him. Found one of my five banded barb having trouble swimming and put him in a smaller tank to recover but dont think theres much of a chance. Tested my water and o seem to have gotten an ammonia spike somewhere, about to do a 75% wc then hope for the best
Sorry to hear about your ammonia spike and fish loss. Try a huge water change or maybe 2 a couple days apart. Then spike with donor media from one of your other tanks.
I did a 70% change or so already and moved some plants around and installed some rock homes in all my tanks. I'm going to test the water in about an hour when the filters have given the water a few run throughs. I'll prob do another change later tonight.

In other news, the Amazon Swords I put in the tank a month ago, darn they didnt want to come out. I had no idea their roots would get to be so long, they were almost 8 inches or so, surprised me
Hey Lovelies!
Roll on guppy time. That's all I's gotsta say..... :music: :book: :beer: :fish: <-'nuff said!
Hey Lovelies!!!!

Lot's of death up in this mug today..

was trying to calibrate a tri-temp rotary handler today.. trying...

Started working on an HP 5334B Frequency counter today.. Never cal'ed one before.. Got through the front panel operational tests.. Will be starting the meat and potatoes of it termerraw..

Be good, or don't get caught y'all..
Hey lovelies!

Sometimes this weekend, I hope to hit the LFS and get some fishies!
If the Harlequins are looking healthy, I might get 2 or 3. I will try to get another kuhli loach to replace the late Loki. I will name him Loki in his honor.

I will also try to get one or two more sparkling gourami females. I am going to try and get a plastic breeding box so they can live in there for two days or so, to get used to one another.
Will also be eyeing the bristlenose plecos :hey:
Hey Lovelies, also hoping to hit the Lfs. Looking for a Starry Blenny, a royal gramma, or a wrasse. And another peppermint shrimp to replace Poppy.
Hey Lovelies!!!

Tis guppy time, or so I has heard.. nice..
Hey Lovelies! It's my birthday & I stayed home form work because this is my own personal holiday............

Gonna clean out the Rena XP3 canister below my 36 gallon. I haven't touched that filter in about 2 months! Gotta clip some plants & replant here & there. Last night I set up my divider in the 10 gallon and settled the Plakat in with the Dumbo Betta.

From left to right, here's Samurai, Max & Igor living happily in Betta Town:

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