Wow, sounds like a great deal. Post pics, we all love pics here in Hey Lovelies!Just picked up a 3rd and final ( for now ) tank last night after looking at Kijiji. Got a 50 gallon long tank, Eheim 2217 filter, lights, stand, canopy all for $200 ( the filter is worth $200 alone! ) so my redtail black shark will go in this tank once I'm done painting it and fill it back up
Wow, sounds like a great deal. Post pics, we all love pics here in Hey Lovelies!Just picked up a 3rd and final ( for now ) tank last night after looking at Kijiji. Got a 50 gallon long tank, Eheim 2217 filter, lights, stand, canopy all for $200 ( the filter is worth $200 alone! ) so my redtail black shark will go in this tank once I'm done painting it and fill it back up
Hey lovelies. I think I'll spend tomorrow really ripping apart my planted tank. I'm going to go hardcore and change it a lot. Not sure what I want to do, but it's a mess in there and everything keeps dying except the guppies2 of the 3 pygmies died and I think the bn I had in there is dead haven't seen him in a while, sadly. The plants are being a pita and idk just not really happy with that tank. Any ideas what I should do with it?