Do any of you Lovelies have a clown plec? I rarely see mine. He chomps at the wood but I'm concerned he might not be getting a good mix where his diet is concerned. If I plonk in an algae wafer the rest of them dive on it. Any tips?
Put the algae wafer in when the tank lights are off and the fish are asleep. Be very slow, creeeep up on the tank and don't make any sudden movements or noises. very, very quietly open the lid and try to plop the algae wafer in there the pleco lives.
And I warn you, once one fish sees you and wakes up, they ALL wake up, and once they get that algae wafer, there ain't no saving it. However my pleco has learned that when an algae wafer is put into the tank, all of my fish will swarm it. He gets annoyed and just swims through the crowd, sucks the wafer to his lips and smacks anything that comes near him with his tail.
Tis' never a dull moment in my tank