The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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I only have 4 orange/gold laser right now, I hope I get 1 pair out of the 4 cause they're the most expensive corys I've seen.  The only thing I want to try to breed soon are my Bristlenose but I need a female.  If I can get 2 batches right then I'll try L046 Zebra Plecos, those things go for $120-$200 each if I can get a single breed done maybe I can get all the money I've put into this back :D
Sounds like the perfect job to be honest.  Too bad I don't really have any local fish keeping friends to sell them to, which is why I post on these forums so much!  In fact most of my friends think I'm obsessed with fish because I have 5 tanks running, even though most are small.  It's only like 76 fish a total of 124 gallons!  That's not so bad............
I should breed Pearl Gouramis, Bettas & Angels and join a local fish club or something...............
The closest fish club I think is 2 hours away from me, people on my gaming blog think I'm crazy for all the tanks I have :D
All done for now
 The only live plants I could get is one group of Wisteria, and one group of Watersprite It'll be about two weeks before my special shipment is sent out from  When they arrive I'll rescape and remove the fake plants



Hey Lovelies!!!

My cory eggs hatched.. It seems I has two in my 37 gallon, and two in my eight gallon.. I suspect that the two in the 37 gallon will get eaten by my angels. i hope the two that are in the eight will surwive..

Anyone know if guppies will eat cory fries??

Ahhhhh, ron Paul... I luzz wearing my ron Paul T-shirts when I fly.. Us Ron Paul supporters were singled out by our gubberment as potential threats.. Homeland Security, what a joke...

Randy Paul 2016!!
Hey Thicklip Gourami died.  He was the last of 3 that I had originally gotten.  They all got fat like they had dropsy, and died.  Some quicker than others.  I think I had him about a year and a half or so.  The first one died in just a month or two, the second after about 8 months.  The first two died in the 20 gallon and the last one in Zach's 55 gallon.  All 3 times no other fish in either tank showed any signs of similar ailments or distress.  I figure it had to be something genetic since I had 3 males and they all died the same way.  Possibly an organ failure that allowed liquid to build up inside them.
In tribute!  Good bye King Jagger, you'll be missed:



Aww I haven't lost a fish that I've had for over a year yet, are all  your male gouramis Kings? :D
While doing my waterchanges today I learned my on/off switch on my python is leaking slowly...  The website I bought really cheap parts from when my original tap valve cracked no longer exists T.T
Special ordered some plants from the only Canadian seller I could find, Will be shipped out on the 25th and I should get it on the 28th
4x Java Fern (Microsorium pteropus)
3x Wendtii - Green  (Cryptocoryne wendtii - Green)
4x Dwarf Sagittaria
3x Pennywort, Brazilian   (Hydrocotyle leucocephala)
Still pricey, but I hope they work well
phantomlink said:
Aww I haven't lost a fish that I've had for over a year yet, are all  your male gouramis Kings?
Only the King's of the tank they live in.  They don't make the designation "King" until; they show they can rule the tank they live in.  There's are rules..........and a method to the madness.
Hey Lovelies!!!!

Getting a new roof!!! Second roof in 5 years.. Huge lessons learned Lovelies, I learned a huge lesson..
So... last night I was taking the leaves that fell off my wisteria out of my tank and somehow one of my ottos must have been on one of them...  Just came home from work and found an otto dried up ontop my filter where I put the leaves
Down to one otto now...
Yeah, unfortunately Otos are very stealth, I've sucked a few up during water changes but I always noticed before it was too late.
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