The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Hey lovelies!!!

going to do a water change on my 14 gallon...

fiddy percent or so..
Just did a 50% water change on the 55 gallon last night, it appears my Thicklip Gourami we keep in that tank has Dropsy!
I have too many tanks running ATM so a separate QT is out of the question.  Fortunately none of the other fish are showing any signs of we'll ride it out like we usually do.  Poor fish looks exactly like his 2 brothers did before they died.  I know Dropsy is not a disease in itself but a symptom of some other problem such as failure of internal organs, bad water quality or bacterial.  Too many options to list quite frankly.  I really don't think it's a water quality thing since his tank usually gets at least 25% of the water changed per week and no other fish show any ailments.  It might be genetic since the 2 others I got with him died in similar fashion.  
He's still swimming and not struggling so I won't euthanize him, yet anyway.  We need to do a 33% change on the 20 gallon tonight and tomorrow night we'll do another 50% to the 55 gallon just to be sure.
ya dropsy is just one of those bacteria thats always in the water like Ich and when their immune system is lowered it kicked in, I lost two guppies to it the other day, one was pretty sever I saw it when I woke up in the morning the other you could see it was happening.  Did a 75% or so WC in the 125 gallon and haven't seen anything new since then.
I gave some zuchinni a good boil last night so it was really soft and threw it in my tank, usually the harder stuff the pleco will get but since It was soft everything I had wanted it, especially the yoyos I have:



Right side:




Big mess I made:
Hey Lovelies!!!!

Got Far Cry 3 today..

I need to get to playing it..
I always wanted to try Battlefield 3, it's easily the most realistic looking game I've ever seen.  I'm old school though, I used to play Duke Nukem, Doom & Quake...........
I'm doing alot of reading about planted tanks, I'm setting up a 20 gallon long where my 20 gallon is currently sitting.  Thinking of Java Fern, Water Sprite, and Water Wisteria.  Going to use some CFL clip on lights to see how it grows, if it works well I'll turn my 75 into a planted tank instead of just a few dieing swords.  

Heck, if it works well I'll try to sell my current lights and move to all CFL 
Hey Lovelies!!!

It snowed last night!

That wideo game I got the other day is on the hard side.. I'm playing this other third person shooter called Army of Two and I am playing that on the hardest setting without issue, but far cry three I has on the pre school setting and yet get kilt all the time
phantomlink said:
I'm doing alot of reading about planted tanks, I'm setting up a 20 gallon long where my 20 gallon is currently sitting.  Thinking of Java Fern, Water Sprite, and Water Wisteria.  Going to use some CFL clip on lights to see how it grows, if it works well I'll turn my 75 into a planted tank instead of just a few dieing swords.  

Heck, if it works well I'll try to sell my current lights and move to all CFL 
You may want to nix the Wisteria in tank that doesn't have good height.  My Wisteria has to be trimmed very often and it's 36 gallon that's 21 inches tall!  I would suggest some sort of Crypts for a shorter tank.  That along with Java Fern and maybe some Anubias should make a nice planted tank in a 20 gallon long.  
If it grows well, I'm seriously considering turning my 75 gallon ( 21 inch tall ) tank in my hallway into a massive low maint planted tank.  I'm just not messing with co2 atm and going to buy some CFL light clamps soon to experiment on the 20.  a 4 foot t8 fixture at the LFS costs me like $90 when I can buy 3 clamp lights and good CFL bulbs for about $30, I might replace all my lights with these :D
Also... if I cant find some easily enough would you consider selling me some babies?  I've seen Water Sprite and Java Fern at Big Als but its expensive, I can get it alot cheaper online just debating about the Thailand sellers and duty fees ( if there are any )
Where are you located, I'm guessing Europe?  If you're in the US I'll send you some Wisteria clippings for whatever the postage is.
Hey lovelies! My bristlenose is growing little bristles!! Yay!! :D
Ruskull said:
Where are you located, I'm guessing Europe?  If you're in the US I'll send you some Wisteria clippings for whatever the postage is.
Southern Ontario, still waiting to get the new tank and set it up first
I'll check how much the shipping would be on a small box.  To be honest the Wisteria here is very cheap.  You can get a nice plant for like $3 to $5.  A nice Anubias attached to a small piece of wood or rock is about $10.
The store I go to got a new shipment of plants in, I'll have to see what they have if the roads are good on Wednesday.  Ive never seen Wisteria before at the store, usually java fern ( but its like $13/plant ), amazon swords, crypts, once I saw water sprite, a few red/purple leaf plants and once in awhile anubias 
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