The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Hey Lovelies! It's snowing here in North Carolina.  We're expected to get an inch to an inch & a half.  Since I can't do anything outside anyway it looks like a good day for water changes & plant pruning.................
Hey Lovelies,
A typical Saturday night here. Kids in bed. Pup asleep at my feet in front of the fire. He's piddling EVERYWHERE.
I got some water lettuce from a guy whose son goes to playschool with J. I added them to my 180 but I removed them earlier during water change. The roots were growing down nicely but the leaves were going to mush.
My trumpet snails have exploded. I have heaps of them now. I'm glad to report all the fish are doing well. 
Later Lovelies!  
Hey Lovelies! The weather is starting to get better in here in the UK so I went on a picnic with my friends in the woods today! Had a really nice time, it was sunny! (a very rare occurrence where I live...) lol
That's awesome Hammy, you're on your way to fame & fortune..........or at least free BBQ for life!
Ruskull said:
That's awesome Hammy, you're on your way to fame & fortune..........or at least free BBQ for life!
I was surprised to see it in the local paper today.. I called my wife and told her aboot the story but she already read it.. Her and BT are facebook buddies and he told her to check it out..

Hasn't had BT's in a while.. I needs to get out there with a quickness.. I am going through withdrawals..
I think so.............who else would get a tattoo of a BBQ joint on his leg?

How's that new salty tank coming along MoF?  I heard about the live rock and saw the pics but no progress report after that..........
Hey lovelies.

I hate the "Friend Zone" with all my heart :( </3
Hey Lovelies!!!

I was loading the dishwasher whilst doing laundry today when I heard the most awful bang.. Looked over in the neighborhood of where the bang came from and saw a gallon bottle of Snuggle fabric softener spilt all over the floor...

I told the MRS that no kind of liquid is allowed on top of the front loader anymore..

The wife picked me up a twelve pack today because she luzzes me..

Man of fish said:
Hey lovelies.

I hate the "Friend Zone" with all my heart
What's the friend zone?

That Ron Paul bad lip reading is hilarious..............worth a second play!
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