The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Hambone you naughty boy! Tee hee. You're dead right. Life is short n all dat jazz. Went there some years back with a friend and had some craic. Such a beautiful city with fab shops and of course the seedy side, you'd have to have a look. We hired out bikes and such a laugh we had but saw loads that way.

respeck.. My most recent brush with death was back in 09, last time i was there I almost died of hypothermia about four hours north of Amsterdam..

I had to take matters into my own hands and save my own life.. Long story, but it gets COLD on the coast of The North Sea.. Renting bicycles is a good way to kill yourself.. well severly underdressing for a long bicycle ride in the cold is a good way to kill yourself..
Put 12 more Harlequins in my main tank last night to put my male molly in the quarantine tank but he died overnight. Heading back to the fish store out of town tomorrow to stock my livebearer 75 gallon tank, they have a sale on guppies, platties, sword-platty, and some more
Hambone that's hilarious. It shouldn't be but it is. We did end up in Rotterdam by accident one day when we got on the wrong train. I remember the biting cold. We still had a laugh though. Plenty of snug inns and eateries to take refuge in.

Sorry about your Molly Phantomlink.
Pinch punch first of the month! Happy December lovelies! Putting the Xmas decorations up tomorrow, my fave time of year! :)
Hey Lovelies! Supposedly the world is going to end in just 20 days.................are you prepared?
Hey lovelies!

I haven't gotten more than 48 minutes sleep in aboot 32 hours. I'm sick with a terrible cold/strep combo. I've taken maybe 5 half hour-45 minute naps but that's it. Been throwing up and it just has made the nights very hard to sleep so I just watched tv half-consciously. Gonna try and go to bed round 9 tonight and if I can't, I'm prepared for another night of 1-2 hours of sleep :( and lots of tv :p there's potential here for 75 hours with only about 6 hours of sleep :(
Hey Lovelies! Supposedly the world is going to end in just 20 days.................are you prepared?

That was before Barry got re-annointed.. we're all good now..

Hey lovelies!

I haven't gotten more than 48 minutes sleep in aboot 32 hours. I'm sick with a terrible cold/strep combo. I've taken maybe 5 half hour-45 minute naps but that's it. Been throwing up and it just has made the nights very hard to sleep so I just watched tv half-consciously. Gonna try and go to bed round 9 tonight and if I can't, I'm prepared for another night of 1-2 hours of sleep
and lots of tv
there's potential here for 75 hours with only about 6 hours of sleep

strep is the worst.. sorry kid..

Just an FYI, the food network is excellent t-we at 3 in the morn..
Went to the LFS for their Livebearer sale, I got my order ready while they were applying the new sale prices and they didnt remove the old sales yet so I ended up getting all my fish on sale from this weeks and last weeks. Total pickup being:

16 Banded Barbs for my 50 gallon with the Red Tail Black Shark
10 assorted male guppies ( mix breeds )
2 Green King Cobra guppies
2 Red Rainbow guppies
4 Red Wag Swordtails, 3 females 1 male
4 Salt and Pepper Platty, 3 females 1 male
9 Julii Corydoras, 5 for my 75 gallon, 4 for the 20 gallon
4 Highfin Variatus Platty, 3 female 1 male
4 more Gold Pristella Tetra for my 125 gallon
1 German Blue Ram for the 20 gallon
1 pair of Sailfin Mollies, these things are pretty cool
The store didnt have any female guppies, so I had to go to Petsmart and grabbed the 12 they had for the 75 gallon. The 20 gallon now just houses the Ram, some corys, upsidedown catfish and the kuhlis everything else has been shifted around


New 75g tank, all livebearers except for the corys and whiptails
Hey Lovelies!!!

It's confirmed.. Going to Amsterdam April 4th to the 9th..

good times are aboot to be had..
Hey lovelies!

I haven't gotten more than 48 minutes sleep in aboot 32 hours. I'm sick with a terrible cold/strep combo. I've taken maybe 5 half hour-45 minute naps but that's it. Been throwing up and it just has made the nights very hard to sleep so I just watched tv half-consciously. Gonna try and go to bed round 9 tonight and if I can't, I'm prepared for another night of 1-2 hours of sleep
and lots of tv
there's potential here for 75 hours with only about 6 hours of sleep

you poor thing! Are you on antibiotics?

Some good home remedies are:
For your sore throat, gargle with a glass of the hottest water you can tolerate with some table salt dissolved in it. After the whole glass is gone, take some honey and lemon juice heat it up and swallow. It tastes bad, but the honey soothes the throat and the citric acid and the saltwater kills bacteria.

If you don't have a fever, take a hot bath. Try to get your parents to buy you some bubble bath or salt with eucalyptus in it. As you're taking the bath, the eucalyptus you inhale will clear your airways.

Since you can't sleep, try using that Nyquil sutff. Or use a Tylenol or Advil for Night, it has a sleeping aid. Or both since you can't seem to get any sleep.
Rest is one key thing to getting better.
Also, try drinking some herbal tea either for colds, sore throats, or sleep aid.

Good luck!
Nice stocking upgrade Phantom, now you have to adjust your signature LOL
Turns out I had the flu. It's a bit better now though.
Glad to hear it MoF............

Hey Lovelies! I finally changed the ballast out in Zach's 55 gallon 48" fixture. It wasn't too tough but getting my big fingers in that little cabinet was harder than I thought it would be. Works like a charm now.

Random pictures of Banshee, my female Paradise Gourami:



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