The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Yo Lovelies!!!!! Gots me some poison and extra traps. Critter doesn't stand a chance..........
Wow, the back brakes were a pain in the caudal fin! The pistons were stuck in the calipers and didn't want to budge, I've broken c-clamps this way before. Not too bad though, I still got done with them in about an hour & a half including the customary test drive to pick up celebratory beer. I saved between $250 & $300 to do the spark plugs, all the brake pads and fuel injector cleaner. Not including the beer...........
Take a picture if you can of your sex farm, I wanna see your all guppy tank I need some ideas

I can't post pics yo.. sorry.. I has three guppy tanks.. One tank my 37 gallon I has aboot 20 or so wild females and ten wild males along with four fancy males..

in my 14 gallon I has three fancy females along with 10 wild males..

The Sex Farm is an eight gallon fry tank that I am using as an Endler Sex Farm..

If I could find Endler Females, that would be ideal, but I has three fancy females with one Cobra Endler..

All tanks are heavily planted and heavily filtered..
Hey lovelies!!!

brought home three ammanio skrimps and one black angel fish..

verd on the skreet is I am getting two more tomorrow..

Lil lady was eye balling some tanks tonight..
Hey lovelies!

Birthday was a success! Went to the outback, then had cake at home and opened presents. I got a video game, $50 for petco, and my parents gave me $250, I can either spend it on fish stuff, or they'll buy me an iphone 5 and case. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Hey Lovelies!!!

Major chaos in the tanks... apparently my angel fish is only so tolerant.. major reconfig of the tanks going to happen today.. first i must go to work..

major chaos at work too..
Hey Lovelies!!!

Came home to find three new beautiful Angel Fish..

I am werty lucky..

You people been watching Boardwalk Empire??

Lot's of blunt force trama this season.. I has seen people get beat to death with a tire iron, fists/bar stool, and now last night with the shovel..
Hey Lovelies!!!

Moved a ton of male guppys out of one tan and put them in another..

got three more Angels today.. On a mission to get them fat.. Right now they are afraid of me..

wow.. little judgementally there huh??

I counted seven things that I has personally done that they sang aboot.. I'm still here..

I almost killed myself back in 1994.. Almost blew myself over the side of an aircraft carrier a few hunderd feet into a dry dock.. had I done that.. that would has been a dumb way to die.. dint hear them mention that one..
Cleaned out my 10 gallon tank to put all my fry in, somehow I knew I should have doubled checked before removing all the gravel but when I was almost done I found another fry that was hiding in the tank the entire time. I dont know if I threw any others into my giant gravel bucket or not :< Now my fry count is up to 9 and they have a tank to themselves which I can now feed them all I want without the rest of the fish outside the breeding cage going nuts
Hey lovelies!!!

brought home three ammanio skrimps and one black angel fish..

verd on the skreet is I am getting two more tomorrow..

Lil lady was eye balling some tanks tonight..

That's the real secret to fish keeping success Hammy, get Mrs. Hambone into the sport!
Hey Lovelies!!!

Came home to find three new beautiful Angel Fish..

I am werty lucky..

You people been watching Boardwalk Empire??

Lot's of blunt force trama this season.. I has seen people get beat to death with a tire iron, fists/bar stool, and now last night with the shovel..

Yup, last night's episode was off the hook! It's about time Nucky gets his folks together & run that Rosetti character out of town.......

Hey Lovelies! It's here, it's here, it's here!!! My sponge filters came today & I can't wait to hook them up in Bettatown. I've never been so excited about getting $9.99 worth of stuff in the mail before.
How large are they? I picked up a spongefilter at my LFS, it was the smallest one they have and it was only $10, that ebay auction was $20 for me with shipping so I just grabbed the one I needed for my fry tank, but it was larger then I expected. Box says its a Seapora 30 and its prob 4-5 inches tall? Not including the tube the airline goes into

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