Hey lovelies! felt like sharing...
Mummy and daddy:
Now look at the remaining baby! (There was 2 but one has vanished into space)![]()
She looks like her daddy!![]()
I got these off eBay. I just ordered them so I can't comment on the quality, but here's a link to the auction I won. He's probably selling more in another auction:
EDIT: Actually, it was a "Buy it now" auction and he has more left...................
did you ever inwestigate making your own?? I understand 10 bucks won't break the bank, but you can make a heck of a filter for under two bucks..
I got these off eBay. I just ordered them so I can't comment on the quality, but here's a link to the auction I won. He's probably selling more in another auction:
EDIT: Actually, it was a "Buy it now" auction and he has more left...................
did you ever inwestigate making your own?? I understand 10 bucks won't break the bank, but you can make a heck of a filter for under two bucks..
Yeah, I thought about trying to make one but the need outweighed my curiosity. Besides, for $10 including shipping I doubt I could've saved any money doing it myself since time is money dontcha know? I'm also a big fan of buying multiples of the same product so I can know them inside & out. That also comes in handy if you need to borrow a part form one to save another. I have 2 Rena canister filters, 4 Marineland hang on back filers, 5 Aqueon Pro heaters, 4 Tetra air pumps, etc.
Now to spend the rest of the night setting up two new tanks
the 35 gallon will home the single oscar until he's larger then we'll have to upgrade, my 75g I have no idea what I want, originally it was a large shoal or two, then it was a large livebearer tank, now I dunno what I want
Are these the babies from that video I saw?
I plan to feed some of the fry when they're older to my pictus catfish, but thats when I have more then enough. I dont want a single fish, I was thinking of platy, guppy, sword and maybe mollie but I dont know if all 4 are "allowed" to be in a tank, I know swords will breed with anything, I wouldnt mind some sword guppies or sword plattiesthe 35 gallon will home the single oscar until he's larger then we'll have to upgrade, my 75g I have no idea what I want, originally it was a large shoal or two, then it was a large livebearer tank, now I dunno what I want
I'd do a huge live bearer colony..
get like fifty feeder guppys and let them go..