I plan to feed some of the fry when they're older to my pictus catfish, but thats when I have more then enough. I dont want a single fish, I was thinking of platy, guppy, sword and maybe mollie but I dont know if all 4 are "allowed" to be in a tank, I know swords will breed with anything, I wouldnt mind some sword guppies or sword plattiesthe 35 gallon will home the single oscar until he's larger then we'll have to upgrade, my 75g I have no idea what I want, originally it was a large shoal or two, then it was a large livebearer tank, now I dunno what I want
I'd do a huge live bearer colony..
get like fifty feeder guppys and let them go..
Dude... Fish keeping is like burger king... there's no rules, juss right.. you want to keep all four together, you do it son.. I has a betta and an angel together because I'm crazy like that..