The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Ah, I see! The plural of 'fry' is 'fry' ;)

Apparently you don't know Hambone, he does that on purpose, just like the way he's spelling "Angel" as Angle" :lol:

That's how he rolls.......or so I has herd.
Oh :rolleyes:

It's been a long day :lol:

Long don't know the half of it. The owner of my company backed into my car today! I had to drive home for over an hour with a plastic bag taped to keep out the rain! He 's going to pay for it of course but that doesn't make it happen immediately......

But now the good news:

ZACH'S TANK NEW 55 GALLON TANK IS CYCLED! I checked the ammonia & nitrite tonight & got nothing but bright yellow & bright blue! That meant I could feed the poor little things. I'll check it again tomorrow to make sure but I believe his mini cycle is officially over.

Zach also named his fish:

His Bolivian Ram pair is Bowie & Zoe, the Thicklipped Gourami is now known as Jagger, his new Molly is Rocket, the new Swordtail is Sabre and the HiFin is Hawk.
Hey lovelies!!!

Errythang is roost turvy in manny land!!! Speckles, the last remaining walkathon Molly from "the trio" committed suicide. Found him dead and dried up under the cabinet. I also found out why my plants are getting leaves in them. My foolish mistake. I wrote myself a nite to buy mgs04, the macro fertilizer of magnesium so they are getting magnesium deficiency, because I forgot to buy it :rolleyes: all my fault.
Hey Lovelies!!!

I slept maybe two hours last night..

Oh well..
Hey Lovelies!!!

The angle fish died.. he wasn't eating.. and I believe he was sick.. I has my reasons for believing this which I choose not to get into..

getting prepped for guppytime
They're putting guppies with bala sharks and mulitple rainbow sharks in a 30-gallonish freaking TV tank!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

Didn't you watch the whole show? It's 8 gallons, unfortuneately and grossly overstocked with incompatible fish. I'd say just the guppies with some cories :shout:
Um, Don't Green Severums get to be around 10-12 inches? A 10 gallon tank would make a nice closet for a fish that big..............

Hey Lovelies!!!

The angle fish died.. he wasn't eating.. and I believe he was sick.. I has my reasons for believing this which I choose not to get into..

getting prepped for guppytime

Sorry to hear about your juss got the lil fella too.

Hey Lovelies! Zach's new 55 gallon tested perfectly again last night. This weekend we can move the Glowlights over..........
Hey Lovelies!!!

On my way home I brought back the dead ANGEL(sorry, I was actually misspelling that by accident).. Got me a new one.. Putting this one in my 37 Gallon..
Hey Lovelies!!!

On my way home I brought back the dead ANGEL(sorry, I was actually misspelling that by accident).. Got me a new one.. Putting this one in my 37 Gallon..

LOL, at least you're big enough to admit it :lol: Good luck with the new Angel, try some of that Cichlid food by Hikari..... :good:
Hey Lovelies!!!

On my way home I brought back the dead ANGEL(sorry, I was actually misspelling that by accident).. Got me a new one.. Putting this one in my 37 Gallon..

LOL, at least you're big enough to admit it :lol: Good luck with the new Angel, try some of that Cichlid food by Hikari..... :good:

Hey Lovelies!!!

What I did was a major reconfig of my tanks today.. I took most of my wild females and put them in with the angel fish and took a lot of the fancy females and put them into the guppy sanctuary (the 15 gallon).. I am working on wild/fancy hybrids in that tank.. should be neat..

Getting prepped for guppytime.. the old school way..

Anyone else has a callus on their thumb?
Hey Lovelies, Happy Friday!

Last night I did a big water change on my 36 gallon & decided to remove the big fake white tree stump thing. There were all sorts of nasty looking things under it! I vacuumed real well & removed all the Bacopa Caroliniana, a huge Argentine Sword that I split into five plants & a Red Rubin Sword. All these were planted in Zach's new 55 gallon last night.

I'll post pictures later tonight.
Hey Lovelies, Happy Friday!

Last night I did a big water change on my 36 gallon & decided to remove the big fake white tree stump thing. There were all sorts of nasty looking things under it! I vacuumed real well & removed all the Bacopa Caroliniana, a huge Argentine Sword that I split into five plants & a Red Rubin Sword. All these were planted in Zach's new 55 gallon last night.

I'll post pictures later tonight.

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