Sad to hear that FB, but at least you know you tried. Nature can be cruel sometimes.
-.- I just don't get how she managed to get her mouth that big. And fit the whole fry in. But then again Ninja demonstrated he could fit in 2 bloodworms longer than he is.
I hope I don't lose Arrie too though... I changed the water (due to panic)... can't do more than that.
@Lucy: yeah, I took the bogwood up, shook the Java Fern (and Tzuppy did too), looked under the anubias... nothing. Wherever he would have been hiding, when there was food in the tank, he'd zip to the surface. So he's no longer there.
I still have Sushi left, who is a major jerk in the fry cage and is bigger than Ninja, but not as cool. He doesn't have red pectorals

And probably going to be a long time before he grows to a size where he cannot be torn apart and eaten.