The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Hey FB, I'm not an expert on livebearers or anything, but they can have multiple frys from a single fertilization. That was the case with Zach's Mollys. His Creamsicle Lyretail dropped a load of about 25, and then 2 weeks or less later she dropped another smaller batch, and believe it or not dropped another after that! We know it wasn't a separate fertilization because the Platinum Sailfin Molly male had died shortly after she gave birth the first time.

In other news my Threelined Corys have been dancing the mating dance for about 2 weeks now & I'm keeping an eye out for any eggs..............wish me luck! :hyper:
Errr..... She has a fry in her... :( If you get what I mean... Darn it! -.- RIP Ninja... Now I know why she went so fat all of a sudden and is hanging like that...
FishBlast, She looks very pregnant to me... I don't care if she just had fry! If she looks pregnant, she is pregnant! :lol:
FishBlast, She looks very pregnant to me... I don't care if she just had fry! If she looks pregnant, she is pregnant! :lol:
She ate my fry though... he's nowhere and she looks waaay too full to be pregnant, and she has her tail looking like that. -.- Wish she had choked on it...
I only went away from the tank for like an hour. She was ok that time. And now I come back to see fry missing and her sitting on the sand like a beached whale...
FishBlast, She looks very pregnant to me... I don't care if she just had fry! If she looks pregnant, she is pregnant! :lol:
She ate my fry though... he's nowhere and she looks waaay too full to be pregnant, and she has her tail looking like that. -.- Wish she had choked on it...
I only went away from the tank for like an hour. She was ok that time. And now I come back to see fry missing and her sitting on the sand like a beached whale...

NOT NINJA?! :-( :eek:
NOT NINJA?! :-( :eek:
I tried to summon him with food... He no longer ninja'd in. :sad: Guess he's gone and that explains Arrie's sudden... bulk and behavior. I only found out that Ninja was gone after I started changing 30% water and cleaning the filter, trying to see if Arrie will get better. -.- Now I know why she's in that state.
Sad to hear that FB, but at least you know you tried. Nature can be cruel sometimes.
NOT NINJA?! :-( :eek:
I tried to summon him with food... He no longer ninja'd in. :sad: Guess he's gone and that explains Arrie's sudden... bulk and behavior. I only found out that Ninja was gone after I started changing 30% water and cleaning the filter, trying to see if Arrie will get better. -.- Now I know why she's in that state.

OMG! :shout: Have you checked under all of the bogwood?! Under all of the plants!? This is so sad :-( I cannot understand how she could eat him? He was big! Cannibals... :angry:
Sad to hear that FB, but at least you know you tried. Nature can be cruel sometimes.
-.- I just don't get how she managed to get her mouth that big. And fit the whole fry in. But then again Ninja demonstrated he could fit in 2 bloodworms longer than he is.
I hope I don't lose Arrie too though... I changed the water (due to panic)... can't do more than that.

@Lucy: yeah, I took the bogwood up, shook the Java Fern (and Tzuppy did too), looked under the anubias... nothing. Wherever he would have been hiding, when there was food in the tank, he'd zip to the surface. So he's no longer there.

I still have Sushi left, who is a major jerk in the fry cage and is bigger than Ninja, but not as cool. He doesn't have red pectorals :( And probably going to be a long time before he grows to a size where he cannot be torn apart and eaten.
Hey Lovelies! Loadsssss of pictures and updates for yous ^_^

Firstly, I got my new platies! Hopefully this should stop the males attacking eachother...



And Oscar has started biting his tail again :angry: I give up on this fish, I have moved him around so many times trying to please him but it just ain't happenin'! He can stay where he is - I'm sick of his attitude. :grr:

Wot you lookin at?

The platy fry are doing great!




And RIP Mr Apple Snail :( This was him just yesterday.


This was him a few days ago:


I rescaped the Goldfish tank! Ignore the air bubbles on the back of the tank ;)


So many pictures! Enjoy! :p
Sad to hear that FB, but at least you know you tried. Nature can be cruel sometimes.
-.- I just don't get how she managed to get her mouth that big. And fit the whole fry in. But then again Ninja demonstrated he could fit in 2 bloodworms longer than he is.
I hope I don't lose Arrie too though... I changed the water (due to panic)... can't do more than that.

@Lucy: yeah, I took the bogwood up, shook the Java Fern (and Tzuppy did too), looked under the anubias... nothing. Wherever he would have been hiding, when there was food in the tank, he'd zip to the surface. So he's no longer there.

I still have Sushi left, who is a major jerk in the fry cage and is bigger than Ninja, but not as cool. He doesn't have red pectorals :( And probably going to be a long time before he grows to a size where he cannot be torn apart and eaten.

Man that sucks. Molly's have very big mouths, not too sure about Swordtails but they're related so......RIP Ninja and I hope Arrie doesn't die for being such a pig.

Great pics LucyB, Thanks! You have a good camera too...........great closeup pic of the Betta face LOL
Man that sucks. Molly's have very big mouths, not too sure about Swordtails but they're related so......RIP Ninja and I hope Arrie doesn't die for being such a pig.

Great pics LucyB, Thanks! You have a good camera too...........great closeup pic of the Betta face LOL
Yeah, she probably has a snake mouth. -.- She looks like a freakin' basketball right now... Also, she ate my smaller, unnamed fry the day I brought her here. So I guess she still has a taste for fry.

@ Lucy:
I like that first platy with the dots on the tail a lot. The sunset one or what that type is, looks cool too.
Goldie tank looks awesome!
And poor apple snail. :( Mine are having fun around the tank now. I fed them, so now Kadenza is going up on the glass while Lorenzo is chewing on some of my Java Moss. I guess I have gardeners here... I don't mind, as long as they do not head for my fern or anubias.

Planning on getting a fast-growing plant, like elodea maybe...

Also, I like the betta, but lol nipping its own fins sounds more like what budgerigars do when bored, they take their feathers off.
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My cat typed that. She's a very smart cat

Nice pics Lucy, you're new platies look preggo!
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