The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Thank you FB, it took about an hour to get those pics so the camera isn't that good............

Hopefully I'll get some better shots & maybe a video when they've been in for a few days. I might want to add another female later this week, to spread out their aggression.
Hmm, yeah, it only takes me like 5 minutes to capture my fish (when they're hungry or eating, it's a piece of cake to snapshot them). Or sometimes, when I don't want Tzuppy in the camera's view, there he is.

Now a green betta or yellow one would add nicely to the color range. Even better if it's another tail type. You can collect bettas of different types. :p
I want to have a swordie collection. X))
Hey lovelies!
Good news and bad news.
The good news is: Arrie gave birth.
The bad news is: I only found one of her fry. :( I was too late and Eris made quick work of most of them.

Well, this little one has a spear-shaped, yellow tail, a black body and orange back. I suspect Cracker to be the father, since when I've added her, she had no gravid spot and Cracker was trying to mate with her. Though he hasn't expressed any interest in her after that day.
Hope the little fry survives and I wonder if he will stay a spear tail or grow a lyretail like his mother.

Tzuppy colored in blue again in the fins. And doing headstands.

Nice big Tzuppy pics..........LOl

Hey FB, that female white Betta with the red fins is more than likely a Veil Tail or Possibly a Delta Tail I no longer believe it's a female Half Moon. Not really positive either way, but either way she's beautiful.
Nice big Tzuppy pics..........LOl

Hey FB, that female white Betta with the red fins is more than likely a Veil Tail or Possibly a Delta Tail I no longer believe it's a female Half Moon. Not really positive either way, but either way she's beautiful.
Yeah, she looks a lot like a VT. And she reminds me of that purple female I had.
Hello Loverlies!!!

Well Zach had his first Football practice this year & all went very well. Looks like he's starting at Center on offense and he'll play Defensive Tackle/Defensive End on defense. It started raining though & they play through the rain unless the lightning strikes. It struck, and practice was called after about an hour. Can't say I wasn't anxious for it to end so I could get home to my fish tanks.........

The Bettas are both doing very well although the VT chased the CT again, she didn't hurt her. She also lightly chased a couple of Glowlights. We'll have to see how it goes & if I should add another female to the mix later in the week. If I do it'll be a dark blue one I saw at Petsmart or a Plakat female I saw at Petco.

Any recommendations before I make another mistake?
Nahhhh, make another mistake. It's fun to correct you :p
Hello Loverlies!!!

Well Zach had his first Football practice this year & all went very well. Looks like he's starting at Center on offense and he'll play Defensive Tackle/Defensive End on defense. It started raining though & they play through the rain unless the lightning strikes. It struck, and practice was called after about an hour. Can't say I wasn't anxious for it to end so I could get home to my fish tanks.........

The Bettas are both doing very well although the VT chased the CT again, she didn't hurt her. She also lightly chased a couple of Glowlights. We'll have to see how it goes & if I should add another female to the mix later in the week. If I do it'll be a dark blue one I saw at Petsmart or a Plakat female I saw at Petco.

Any recommendations before I make another mistake?
Get not one, but 3 more. Lol. And get: blue, green and a fully red one if you can find, if not a yellow one.
If I could be sure that a betta wouldn't break hell in my tank, I'd already have one of these here:

Btw, I think it is confirmed that you have a VT, I googled VT females and they all have that tail shape. HM females look like this:

Also, in other news:
My newest fry is SOOO tiny, even those 2-week old fry I have in there are much bigger and could have the little one for dinner... He reminds me of Chrome a bit, because he is half black and half white so far.
A plague on your Shrimp!

No, not really...........I like shrimp, especially with cocktail sauce. :drool:

How are the surviving shrimp doing anyway?

Hey FB, here's hoping your new "Chrome" fry survives! :good:
A plague on your Shrimp!

No, not really...........I like shrimp, especially with cocktail sauce. :drool:

How are the surviving shrimp doing anyway?

Hey FB, here's hoping your new "Chrome" fry survives! :good:
Yeah, I'm not letting them out till they're fully 3 cm. And if they disappear even after that... I've raised the fanciest piranhas in the world. o_O
Oh man... Ninja looks so fat... I hope he's not getting dropsy. He ate quite a lot lately though... Hope it's just the food.
How are the surviving shrimp doing anyway?

They all died. Did a ghost shrimp test. 3 ghosts in here then 2 in all other tanks. Only 3 died. All the ones in the planted......
Hey Loverlies! Football practice is cancelled due to rain!

MoF, sorry to hear about those shrimp you won all dying. There must be something bad in that planted tank since the 3 Ghost Shrimp died in there also. Stats are normal though? Very strange, ask FishFanatic or Mikaila maybe? Both know much more about plants & planted tanks than you or I do.

FB, I'd love to add a few more female Bettas including a nice dark blue, a green & a Half Moon of whatever color I can get. I checked and they sell mail order fish believe it or not. They have female HM's for $10.50 each. The big hangup is the $30 shipping :crazy: I'm still contemplating ordering 2 of them since the shipping is the same no matter how many I order.

I can't get any more yet though because the tank is pretty well stocked as is. I need to shift some of the fish around in different tanks. For one I what to move Zach's 2 Glass Cats to my 20 gallon since they always hide in his tank. Then I'd give the Glowlights to my father if he has the room. I also want to put Zach's 2 Oto's in my 36 gallon with the other 2 Oto's. In exchange I'd move the BN female Pleco from my 20 to his 20 gallon. He has more algae buildup & the Oto's are too picky where the BN will eat anything. Makes sense on paper anyway.

If all the above worked out I could add 2 or 3 more Glass Cats and maybe a couple more female HM Bettas. Then come winter I could setup the 10 gallon for a nice male betta and try breeding them.

Now I'm just waiting for 7:00 when the tank lights come on.............can't wait to see my new Betta babes! :lol:
Poor shrimp, MoF... Hope you figure out what is happening there.

Hey Loverlies! Football practice is cancelled due to rain!

MoF, sorry to hear about those shrimp you won all dying. There must be something bad in that planted tank since the 3 Ghost Shrimp died in there also. Stats are normal though? Very strange, ask FishFanatic or Mikaila maybe? Both know much more about plants & planted tanks than you or I do.

FB, I'd love to add a few more female Bettas including a nice dark blue, a green & a Half Moon of whatever color I can get. I checked and they sell mail order fish believe it or not. They have female HM's for $10.50 each. The big hangup is the $30 shipping :crazy: I'm still contemplating ordering 2 of them since the shipping is the same no matter how many I order.

I can't get any more yet though because the tank is pretty well stocked as is. I need to shift some of the fish around in different tanks. For one I what to move Zach's 2 Glass Cats to my 20 gallon since they always hide in his tank. Then I'd give the Glowlights to my father if he has the room. I also want to put Zach's 2 Oto's in my 36 gallon with the other 2 Oto's. In exchange I'd move the BN female Pleco from my 20 to his 20 gallon. He has more algae buildup & the Oto's are too picky where the BN will eat anything. Makes sense on paper anyway.

If all the above worked out I could add 2 or 3 more Glass Cats and maybe a couple more female HM Bettas. Then come winter I could setup the 10 gallon for a nice male betta and try breeding them.

Now I'm just waiting for 7:00 when the tank lights come on.............can't wait to see my new Betta babes! :lol:
For a while, I was thinking of having a sorority, and a male separately, but then if I'd breed them, I'd more or less be stuck with a bunch of fry that bite each other to death at some point... And probably unable to sell them anyway.

Good luck with whatever you do with the tanks.
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