Hey Loverlies! Football practice is cancelled due to rain!
MoF, sorry to hear about those shrimp you won all dying. There must be something bad in that planted tank since the 3 Ghost Shrimp died in there also. Stats are normal though? Very strange, ask FishFanatic or Mikaila maybe? Both know much more about plants & planted tanks than you or I do.
FB, I'd love to add a few more female Bettas including a nice dark blue, a green & a Half Moon of whatever color I can get. I checked Petco.com and they sell mail order fish believe it or not. They have female HM's for $10.50 each. The big hangup is the $30 shipping

I'm still contemplating ordering 2 of them since the shipping is the same no matter how many I order.
I can't get any more yet though because the tank is pretty well stocked as is. I need to shift some of the fish around in different tanks. For one I what to move Zach's 2 Glass Cats to my 20 gallon since they always hide in his tank. Then I'd give the Glowlights to my father if he has the room. I also want to put Zach's 2 Oto's in my 36 gallon with the other 2 Oto's. In exchange I'd move the BN female Pleco from my 20 to his 20 gallon. He has more algae buildup & the Oto's are too picky where the BN will eat anything. Makes sense on paper anyway.
If all the above worked out I could add 2 or 3 more Glass Cats and maybe a couple more female HM Bettas. Then come winter I could setup the 10 gallon for a nice male betta and try breeding them.
Now I'm just waiting for 7:00 when the tank lights come on.............can't wait to see my new Betta babes!