The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Hey Loverlies!!!

FB already knows but I got me some Bettas today! Both females, a Half Moon I believe & a def. Crown Tail. They get along great with each other and the rest of the fish, even the evil Guppy.

Hambone, sorry to hear that, now you know how I felt. Sometimes you're all out & sometimes you have options, multiple options in fact. :shifty:
I believe you need to keep females in groups of 5+ or they'll be aggressive towards each other......
I'e never kept females myself but that is what they says! Or so i has heard :p
Sometimes the urge to bang my face off of a brick wall happens. Usually around this thread. In a good way. And a bad one.

One of me female guppies is squared off but her breeding tube doesn't look right. Somethings wrong with her and I am guessing prolapse.
I believe you need to keep females in groups of 5+ or they'll be aggressive towards each other......

Hey, thanks for telling me now.............. :lol: It's a little late dontcha think?

They seem to getting along for the most part. The slightly bigger 1" female Half Moon is the Queen in the tank, or at least the top half. She's already shown the Crown Tail & the Guppy what's up. She's chased both a few times but no damage yet. If I didn't have the Guppy I'd consider more female Bettas. I better wait for now.

I'll post pics & a video if they came out good enough.........

I'e never kept females myself but that is what they says! Or so i has heard :p

You too? Nobody warned me or 5 you say? What about two female Bettas with a male Guppy serial killer? I may try to add another female during the week if all works out.

Sometimes the urge to bang my face off of a brick wall happens. Usually around this thread. In a good way. And a bad one.

One of me female guppies is squared off but her breeding tube doesn't look right. Somethings wrong with her and I am guessing prolapse.

Guppy drama, tell me about it. I had 6 at one time & there's only one left. :rolleyes: The sole survivor killed all the others.......but now he's the Half Moon females errand boy.
Hey Lovelies!
I missed you guys!!!!
Visitors have gone back to Singapore so getting back to normal.
Switched my internet to a better quality provider and of course I'm having trouble with it which is why I've been off the radar. Can't believe it's working at the moment.
Festival going on here and it closes with awesome fireworks. We have a great view from our house so 10 minutes til showdown! I'm only hoping they won't wake my little man.
Anyway, I hope you guys are all keeping well. I'll have to go back and read through what I've missed.
See ya!
I believe you need to keep females in groups of 5+ or they'll be aggressive towards each other......

Hey, thanks for telling me now.............. :lol: It's a little late dontcha think?

They seem to getting along for the most part. The slightly bigger 1" female Half Moon is the Queen in the tank, or at least the top half. She's already shown the Crown Tail & the Guppy what's up. She's chased both a few times but no damage yet. If I didn't have the Guppy I'd consider more female Bettas. I better wait for now.

I'll post pics & a video if they came out good enough.........

I'e never kept females myself but that is what they says! Or so i has heard :p

You too? Nobody warned me or 5 you say? What about two female Bettas with a male Guppy serial killer? I may try to add another female during the week if all works out.

Sometimes the urge to bang my face off of a brick wall happens. Usually around this thread. In a good way. And a bad one.

One of me female guppies is squared off but her breeding tube doesn't look right. Somethings wrong with her and I am guessing prolapse.

Guppy drama, tell me about it. I had 6 at one time & there's only one left. :rolleyes: The sole survivor killed all the others.......but now he's the Half Moon females errand boy.
Wait... but you didn't say you wanted to buy 2 females... You were saying about buying a pair of imbellis.
So how could we warn you? Lol.
If you said you wanted multiple females, I would have told you before you got those two though. But I think you can keep them like this anyway if they just nip at each other like swordies and not like pitbulls.
Hey Lovelies!

So I moved the 7 platy fry to the breeders net after all... :blush: Because one of them got out of the breeding box during the night (Found it the next day though, hiding under some bogwood!) and the all seem okay

Pictures or it didn't happen, right?! Just taken them now:





Also, Oscar's tail is growing back! Slowly but surely! It was being bitten badly and I couldn't understand why so I just came to the conclusion that another fish was biting it - so I got a new 48 litre tank and planned to add some peaceful fish to go in with Oscar. But when put him in (on his own at this point) he immediately was biting his tail (the filter media was mature, yes) and I saw him doing it so I got him a smaller tank and put some goldfish in the 48 litre (temporary) and Oscar loves his new tank! He builds huge bubble nests for me! :rolleyes: I guess he just doesn't like big tanks, or other fish... :dunno:

Anyways, pictures! You all love pictures :nod:



You can see the bitten tail starting to heal:



Awh, he made me a present! :lol: :p



Lol sorry ruskull - like it so often is, it's not a set in stone rule and if they are fine together then no worries! You'll just need to keep a close eye on them and it can take several weeks before their real personalities start to come through soooo yeah!

Hope your guppy probs get sorted out FishFannyatic.
I have a confession. I didn't do my water change today
Too hungover, but i've got the week off work so i'll do it tomorrow, scouts honour!
That's okay so far they're doing better, here's some pictures:

Here's the Crown Tail female "Caroline"


and here's the suspected Half Moon female "Virginia" or "Ginny" for short:



Hey Lovelies!

So I moved the 7 platy fry to the breeders net after all... :blush: Because one of them got out of the breeding box during the night (Found it the next day though, hiding under some bogwood!) and the all seem okay

Pictures or it didn't happen, right?! Just taken them now:

Love the Betta & the Platy fry tadpoles!
I love Caroline's blue body, but the halfmoon is beginning to catch my attention too, with her red fins.
Also, your camera's waaay better than mine. That's for sure. Nice anubias. o_O
Thank you FB, it took about an hour to get those pics so the camera isn't that good............

Hopefully I'll get some better shots & maybe a video when they've been in for a few days. I might want to add another female later this week, to spread out their aggression.
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