The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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I just realized something.
I am so lucky to have found this forum. Otherwise, I'd be having one of these in my tank by now:

As every time I pass by the park lake, I keep seeing the babies of this catfish.
So now my 20 gallon is pretty empty feeling with no centerpiece fish. I was considering adding a Betta. Of course I'd have to move out the little nasty Guppy but that wouldn't be a problem. :shifty:

Any suggestions from you Betta folks out there in Hey Lovelies? I know some are considered more mellow than others, which ones are they? Would they do well in a 20 gallon with a small Bristlenose, a big Bolivian Ram, 7 Threelined Corys and 5 Glowlights?

Never had a Betta before.........probably should consider a female? But they don't look as nice.

Thanks in advance for any tips.
So now my 20 gallon is pretty empty feeling with no centerpiece fish. I was considering adding a Betta. Of course I'd have to move out the little nasty Guppy but that wouldn't be a problem. :shifty:

Any suggestions from you Betta folks out there in Hey Lovelies? I know some are considered more mellow than others, which ones are they? Would they do well in a 20 gallon with a small Bristlenose, a big Bolivian Ram, 7 Threelined Corys and 5 Glowlights?

Never had a Betta before.........probably should consider a female? But they don't look as nice.

Thanks in advance for any tips.
Yo, I was making a lemonade.
Veiltails are the most peaceful. You could also consider a halfmoon like AA has.
Although my 4 veiltails were teaming up to hunt guppy and zebra danios (the eyeless danio incident...)
Females should normally be peaceful too. Stay away from CROWNTAILS!

I don't know how a betta male would see the glowlight tetras though. And my 4 VTs even managed to chow on a hoplo's dorsal.
Thanks FB, this is a beautiful female Half Moon:

I've found half-moons are actually the most placid. My hm is very nice. I'd go hm. It'd work in there :good:

Males and females are actually pretty much the same in terms of aggression, you can just have multiple females if in groups of 5+ but only 1 male.
I like the Half Moons but are they avail in the local Petco or Petsmart?

Betta Imbellis seems to be the most docile Betta period according to the web, but Half Moons can be very peaceful too. I'm just worried about the Bolivian Ram mostly. Do you have your HM with Rams?

Betta Imbellis:

I like the Half Moons but are they avail in the local Petco or Petsmart?

Betta Imbellis seems to be the most docile Betta period according to the web, but Half Moons can be very peaceful too. I'm just worried about the Bolivian Ram mostly. Do you have your HM with Rams?

Betta Imbellis:

I'd love a colony of these (like 1 male, 4 females or something).
I wonder if they could get along like my swordies...
I like the Half Moons but are they avail in the local Petco or Petsmart?

Betta Imbellis seems to be the most docile Betta period according to the web, but Half Moons can be very peaceful too. I'm just worried about the Bolivian Ram mostly. Do you have your HM with Rams?

Betta Imbellis:

I'd love a colony of these (like 1 male, 4 females or something).
I wonder if they could get along like my swordies...

Legend is that you can keep multiple pairs if the tank is big enough. :hyper: I even read that you can keep 2 pair in a 10-15 gallon! Don't know if I'd be looking to try that though. Maybe I'll start with a single female Betta Imbellis which are also known as Crescent Bettas. Either that or I'll try a female Half Moon if I can find any of these locally. No Crowntails or Veiltails..........

I'd get a male if it wasn't for that Bolivian Ram.
Legend is that you can keep multiple pairs if the tank is big enough. :hyper: I even read that you can keep 2 pair in a 10-15 gallon! Don't know if I'd be looking to try that though. Maybe I'll start with a single female Betta Imbellis which are also known as Crescent Bettas. Either that or I'll try a female Half Moon if I can find any of these locally. No Crowntails or Veiltails..........

I'd get a male if it wasn't for that Bolivian Ram.
What if they breed? o_O Over 9000 bettas in 1 tank.
If only I took more care of my VTs, i'd probably have had heaps of them by now. But their only spawn failed after the eggs rotted in the bubble nest -.-
Yep. I got my half-moon at petco. He's in with my rams now. He's going to be my centerpiece vs the dwarf gourami I planned.

I like the Half Moons but are they avail in the local Petco or Petsmart?

Betta Imbellis seems to be the most docile Betta period according to the web, but Half Moons can be very peaceful too. I'm just worried about the Bolivian Ram mostly. Do you have your HM with Rams?

Betta Imbellis:


Hey lovelies!!!!

Rearranging my room today. Taking apart the bunk beds and swapping them with the queen in my other room, then just moving some stuff. This also makes room for a 75 in the corner........
Hey lovelies.
Seems like i'm on the right road to building another crap computer. Going to sell it for 30 bucks if it works. Lol.
Took a while to find the Master and Slave modes for these old storage devices. -.- I hate old crap. My new pc doesn't even care on what setting I put my HDDs and DVDs.
Hey lovelies.
Seems like i'm on the right road to building another crap computer. Going to sell it for 30 bucks if it works. Lol.
Took a while to find the Master and Slave modes for these old storage devices. -.- I hate old crap. My new pc doesn't even care on what setting I put my HDDs and DVDs.

Computers = Boring
Bettas = Exciting

Juss' saying...............
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