The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Hey Lovelies!

Got 7 healthy coral red platy fry today! :fish:

The female is young - I'll forgive her for the small number of fry... :p :lol:
Aww X) Platy fry!
Btw, what does the coral red one look like? Can you post a pic of it please?
Of course I Will!

Mummy and Daddy... :wub:





Aww! The fry in pics 2 and 4 are so adorable! Those big eyes! Especially the one that peeks from there.
And the parents look cool. I wonder if there are swordtails with that color too. I saw swordies like the male (if the male is the one in the bg).
Hey Lovelies!!!

Any idear how hard it is to get some check walves here in the fine state of Massatuckey??

Very hard it would seem..
Aww! The fry in pics 2 and 4 are so adorable! Those big eyes! Especially the one that peeks from there.
And the parents look cool. I wonder if there are swordtails with that color too. I saw swordies like the male (if the male is the one in the bg).

Yes the male is in the background - and don't ask me about swordtails, I know nothing! I'm a Platy kinda' gal :hey:
Hey Lovelies!!!!

Juss made reservations for a lil vay-kay up in Northern Massachusetts..

Going in late Sept..
Aww! The fry in pics 2 and 4 are so adorable! Those big eyes! Especially the one that peeks from there.
And the parents look cool. I wonder if there are swordtails with that color too. I saw swordies like the male (if the male is the one in the bg).

Yes the male is in the background - and don't ask me about swordtails, I know nothing! I'm a Platy kinda' gal :hey:
They're pretty much the same, only that platies stay smaller as adults.
They can also mate with each other, and it makes me wonder just how many platies and swordtails nowadays are not hybrids...

Hey Lovelies!
I took my apple snails to the "dining room" so they can have their flake meal. Wanted to give them some yellow melon, but decided against it because... i don't want a snail bomb in my tank if they die. o_O

Also, Arrie the orange lyretail will probably give birth after like 1 more week hopefully. She was so pale and pink when I bought her. She colored up nicely since she's been in the tank, showing her true orange color. X) The white belly also gives a nice effect.
Hey Lovelies!!!

Juss got back from getting my teeth cleaned.. that was fun..
Hey lovelies!!!

I'm slowly talking my dad into letting me get a 75 gallon! I think I got him on board with a few little perks to him..... Well sorta to him.....
Hey lovelies!!!!

Super red cherry shrimp just showed up!!!! Counted 16!!! That's 4 more than I ordered! Yay!!!!! They'll look so cool in my planted!!!
Hey lovelies!
Just came back from a night walk in the park with my mom. Then took a shower with some nice smelling gel. Much better.
I just put my apple snails back to the tank, since they finished eating.
Now I wonder what to eat for supper... Peanuts, boiled chicken drumsticks or boiled eggs? Maybe boiled eggs, so my fish can eat some.
Hey Lovelies.........

Had a very messed up night.

I went to check on my new Guppies and I could only find 3 of the 6 that were in the tank! :crazy:
Then I found one carcass on the floor, crisp as a potato chip, he was the newest one that was surfing the glass the night before. He musta jumped ship for some reason. I feel bad about losing him but he didn't even last 24 hours so I wasn't too attached.

Then I checked the back of the filter intake & there was another carcass. This one hurt because it was one of the original Guppies we put into that tank with a twin, who I still haven't found yet. It's quite possible that fish also jumped ship & I have a very large cat. Again, no other fish look like they're even remotely stressed.

Of course I did a full battery of tests & nitrite was zero, ammonia was slightly toward the green, maybe .1 - .15 so I did a 50% water change. I lifted all the decorations to check for the twin's remains but to no avail.

I did notice that dark blue Tuxedo Guppy we named "Priest" was bothering the biggest Guppy in the tank. Do you think that Priest was maybe chasing them around until the one jumped & the other was maybe stressed to death? If so & he keeps it up, Priest might have to ride the porcelain throne to never neverland.....................
Hey Lovelies.........

Had a very messed up night.

I went to check on my new Guppies and I could only find 3 of the 6 that were in the tank! :crazy:
Then I found one carcass on the floor, crisp as a potato chip, he was the newest one that was surfing the glass the night before. He musta jumped ship for some reason. I feel bad about losing him but he didn't even last 24 hours so I wasn't too attached.

Then I checked the back of the filter intake & there was another carcass. This one hurt because it was one of the original Guppies we put into that tank with a twin, who I still haven't found yet. It's quite possible that fish also jumped ship & I have a very large cat. Again, no other fish look like they're even remotely stressed.

Of course I did a full battery of tests & nitrite was zero, ammonia was slightly toward the green, maybe .1 - .15 so I did a 50% water change. I lifted all the decorations to check for the twin's remains but to no avail.

I did notice that dark blue Tuxedo Guppy we named "Priest" was bothering the biggest Guppy in the tank. Do you think that Priest was maybe chasing them around until the one jumped & the other was maybe stressed to death? If so & he keeps it up, Priest might have to ride the porcelain throne to never neverland.....................
RIP fishy.

Can't help but remember some priest jokes I've heard on some forums... LOL!
But yeah, if he was bullying them, they might have tried to jump overboard. I've noticed swordtails trying to jump out when being chased. Good thing they can't get past the net.
The freakin' tank has a glass top but that doesn't cover the back 2.5 inches or so. :angry:
Is that a screen top like you use for reptiles? Not the worst idea.

I just got home the the tail of the other older Guppy is shredded! Priest's tail looks a bit worse for wear too, he has to go. All this starting happening after the Gourami died, I guess he kept the peace. Now the rest are going crazy! I already had to remove the Marigold Platy last week, I'm running out of alternative tank options at this point. Maybe I can put Priest in Zach's tank but I'll have to take something out to make room since his tank is ridiculously overstocked as it is.
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