The love story of MG CT pair

Almost one week old baby.


They seem to be ok now, but there isn't many left. But because of that, they are really dear to me now. I will do everything I can to help them grow big and beautiful crowntails :wub:
So cute, rain. :wub: I'm sorry about your losses, but your future spawns will benefit from what you've learned this time. :nod:
Thank you. I am sure of it. I think I was way too arrogant. I thought I knew it all because I have been breeding bettas for years. This is what happens when you think the rules don't apply to you, that you are too good and there's no way you can make a mistake.

I should have remembered that I haven't had a spawn for almost a year and my knowledge is a bit rusty. I did almost all the mistakes you can do :lol:

Rule number one: Do not put your hands in the tank without a good reason.
Rule number two: Remember the rule number one.
Rule number three: Stop worrying and let the nature do it's thing.

My job is to feed the babies and keep the tank clean and do that with as little disturbance as possible. I'm sure next time I will remember this and all will go well.
A little off topic, rain, but what will you be using to treat the velvet?
I have always thought that it's not good to use salt to treat bettas (we don't almost ever use salt here in Finland), but I learned here that it's ok. So, I added some salt (pure salt, no additives) and Tetra GeneralTonic with Aminoacridine, Acriflavinum Chloride, Ethacridine and Methylthioninium Chloride.

I noticed I didn't have any medicine with malachite green, but that GeneralTonic seemed to do the trick with the salt. I have ordered Tetra ContraIck, but it will be few days before it arrives.

You know, it's funny how these things happen always when you have thrown away old medicines.
About 50 babies left, some of them lots of smaller than others. I suppose I am lucky to have this many left from a small spawn and after velvet. :)

The babies are growing and are now one week old. I am just about to do a partial water change and clean the bottom of the tank. In the other tank, their father is trying to keep all the falling babies in the same nest. Yes, more babies. Want to know how it happened?

Yesterday I was checking on the lovebirds I was keeping in a special tank just for them to recover from spawning. And well, the girl was sorta plump and she released about 30 eggs by herself. She was barred up and the boy on the other hand had a massive nest built. What can a girl do? I put them together and they started spawning within minutes. They started at 22:20 and finished at 23:30 or so. I removed the mommy and she didn't have a scratch on her. I left the daddy in, but I gave him food to the other corner of the tank. He has been eating the whole time, just now he wasn't hungry and I noticed the babies have started to hatch, little tails hanging from the nest.

If everything goes like last time, I will be able to remove him to his own tank on thursday or friday. He is such a good daddy and I want to take a good care of him now. The mommy is chatting with black orchid crowntail girls (who are almost bursting with eggs, their man just doesn't seem to want to become a daddy).

Breeding bettas after one week of first spawning isn't usually a good thing to do, but these ones were in top condition and the male is doing great so I'm not worried. But I wont make a habbit of this one.
WOW great pics

What are those things in the bottom pic Are those MWs or Vinegar Eels?

Those are Amazing fry shots

I haven't been able to take pictures for awhile, but maybe next week. The first spawn isn't doing that well. I promised myself that it was the first and last time to breed bettas in already cycled tank with filterfoam plate with lots of bacteria and stuff. They are suffering now from the red spot on the head (have been for awhile) and I'm not sure if they're going to make it.

I removed the babies and desinfected the whole tank and added colloidal silver (thanks wuv for the advice) and now I am hoping for the best. About 30 or so alive atm. They are eating, but...

The second spawn, week younger, is doing fine. No velvet, no red spot, nothing. But I'm not getting my hopes up, I don't want to get dissappointed again. I haven't counted them, but they have fat tummies, growing a tad slower than the week older fry, but growing and eating. They have some colloidal silver in their tank too.

When I get my breeding area reorganised, I will propably mix MG CT with Black Orchid CT and see what comes from it. I've seen some great mixes of those two and it would be a fun experiment.
Thank you =)

The camera is almost part of my body now. It is Canon EOS 300D, a digital SLR camera, the lense I use came with the camera, EF-S 18-55/3.5-5.6.

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