The love story of MG CT pair

Thanks =)

I just saw one of them swimming almost horizontally. It was just practise, but cute =)

I have some foods ready for them. I have cultures of Paramecium sp.(caudatum/multimicronucleatum) (really, really small), vinegar eels, Turbatrix aceti (bigger than Parmecium), micro worms, Panagrellus redivivus and grindal worms, Enchytraeus buchholzi. Then I have liquid fry food, dry fry food, Hobby Cyclop-eeze (sort of freeze dried cyclops, I think), frozen artemia, cyclops, bloodworms, daphnia and self made frozen baby food (all kinds of yummy things). I will give them mostly live food and chopped frozen food, the others are just for variety.
nice pics of the babies rain ;) , you must have a good camera, very detailed ;)
Thanks =) Canon EOS 300D is a really nice camera, even with the standard lense thingy.

This one looks a bit hungry, doesn't it?

It's 7 am here and I am going to bed (yes, weird rhythm, but I just couldn't sleep), it's starting to be hard to even aim with the camera so it's time to recharge my batteries.

I suppose I need to remove the daddy when I wake up and propably feed the babies for the first time. That one doesn't have much left from it's yolk sack and others are getting restless already.

If nothing bad happens and the babies will keep growing, I suppose I could make a thread with pictures of their development. It might be useful to some =)

Most of the babies are now free swimming and I removed daddy who was starting to look a bit tired. Not everyone are feeling hungry enough yet, but I did put some Paramecium and vinegar eels for the hungriest to feed on. There's not too many of them, maybe a hundred or so if I counted right.

"Don't I look beautiful?"

This picture was taken an hour ago.

They are so cute and it is so great to be able to keep a photo journal of them :thumbs:
Bettas are tough, but even they can't do anything about their owner's stupidity.

There have been lots of changes today, I removed the dad (and mixed the whole tank during that, the daddy was really fast), added some food (and bacteria with it). And then, I accidentally dropped some water from melted bloodworms to the tank, right on top of the babies. And you know, I should know these things and be like the great breeder or something but in the end of the day I am just a stupid and clumsy girl :(

I carefully removed some water from the place I dropped the yucky, foul smelling water, but I have a bad feeling about this. Let's hope it doesn't kill the babies.


10 dead. This is a good lesson. You shouldn't mess with the water and tank too much (and I SHOULD already know this). It means trouble. I suppose these ones didn't die just because of the warm bloodworm water full of bacteria (people do feed fry with chopped bloodworms too, it's not a no no for them), but because of the whole day with lots of changes and stress. There might be more bacteria than normal in the water now.

Well, let's hope the others will survive. I will stop this worrying thing and let the nature do it's thing, of course I will feed them, but I will intefere as little as I can. If they survive, great, if they don't, well, there's always another change and another spawn.

Rest of the babies seem to be ok now.
how many babies do you have? care to take a picture of the whole tank?
It's really hard to count the babies now when they are scattered around the tank, so I have no idea. Under 100, but I don't know how much under after the last nights deaths.

I was just playing with my cameras other objective, Sigma 55-200 / 1:4-5.6 DC. There was 2 meters between the camera and the tank when I took this:


(I had to make it a lot smaller again, from over 2000 pixels wide to 600 pixels wide)

I will change the basic objective and take some good pictures of them later.

The babis are eating vinegar eels :wub:
amazing. truely amazing :thumbs: :clap: :flex: :drool:

awwww :rip: little bettas :(

lets just hope the others are okay :nod:
I learned a good lesson. It's a shame some of the babies needed to die for that. But I will stop running around like an overprotective mother and let them live without too much interruptions from my behalf. I will breed their parents again when they have recovered from the last spawning. Then I will have more tanks too and I can raise a larger amount of fry.

The babies are doing great and they are hunting the vinegar eels :)

I counted about 70 fry. It wasn't a large batch from the start, the female was a bit tiny so I didn't even expect lots of babies. She will have more eggs next time I will breed her :)
The babies are hunting the vinegar eels. Tomorrow I will start feeding them microworms.

I think I will try to breed the black orchid (I think it is called that) CT pair next week when the silicone has dried in one of my breeding tanks. I want more babies :D

If I count the tanks I have and the tanks that are arriving soon, I have 5 breeding tanks in my room. 144, 84, 54, 54 and 50 liters, together 386 liters (102 american gallons, about 85 english gallons). I suppose it's enough for some babies :p

More pictures during the weekend.
Some more dead babies and now I know what is killing them. It hasn't been visible until now. Yes, velvet. I'm going to start treating them right away. You know, without the camera I wouldn't have noticed anything. Those spots aren't visible to the eye, you need to magnify it to see. I am really happy now about keeping this photo journal, it might have saved my babies :thumbs:



And here's my camera and my fishroom part of the room when I am being messy. You can see at least Sera Aqua Test Box, bottle of vinegar eels, fish food, buckets, stryrox box from thailand, towels and lots of stuff. And of course the camera.


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