The Journey To Bringing My Imported Halfmoon Home

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Java Moss usually grows quite quickly in most lighting so you wouldn't need much to get it started :)
Whether or not you need any more is your call, it just needs a thin covering. Oh, a tip too... fishing line could come in useful!
I already have some, as the java moss in my 55 is growing iver a tree stump. I haven't seen much growth in my java moss and I have had it for more than a month now though. I may just take the bunch from the stump and attach it to my center decoration for my new betta. He comes in a week!
Shelster said:
An interesting journey I've just found.
Am watching closely as I'm setting up a betta tank too altho my cycle was slowed down by a pH crash. Seem to be back on track now tho.
Mamashack, I can't wait to see yours, please put some pics up to treat us

Attibones - I also like natural set ups but your dragon is pretty impressive, and yes I think it will look good with moss growing on it, I think it will suit a betta very much!
Yes treat us Mamashack, start your Betta Journal now ;)  You can ask for ideas to help if you wanted to?  No guarantees though ...
No pressure, but we like to be treated with pics and stuff

@Attibones, I was going to say as long as he is not in the bedroom as he could be quite scarey!!
attibones said:
Haha. Yeah. The bubbles look really great. Once I get the plants in and the moss growing, it should look stellar.

I usually have natural tanks, too, but as this one is in my bedroom near my ten gallon, I thought they needed sort of similar themes. The ten gallon has some fake bonsai trees and a wonderful little elephant. I love elephants. My largest tank is all natural, except for two adorable little gargoyles that are hidden amongst the flora. I think they protect the tank.

Now I just have to either get my java moss in my big tank growing, or buy more moss. I have a bunch of moss balls. I wonder if those would do well? Hmmm...
I like Moss Balls, just got twenty this morning ;)  Was wondering whether I needed to treat them with anything i.e. make sure they are not carrying any bugs?
I had no luck with Java Moss, found it just turned into hair algae, branching off all over the place.  Had it in different tanks too!
Looking forward to seeing the dragon in action and all green.
I just checked my nitrites and they are at zero!! Woo! I'm going to try to raise up the ammonia and make sure it wasn't a fluke, but it looks like I'm very close to being cycled!!

@RCA, that made me laugh, actually! I'm hoping when it turns green from all my plants that it will look really impressive under the blue light. After a quick shower, the dog and I running to the LFS for some plants. I'll post more pictures this afternoon.
Glad I could amuse you, my aim is to please ~ yeah more
coming ;)
Can you get a pic of the dragon turned on?  Keen to see him in action.  Where did you get him from (sorry if I missed this bit)?
I picked him up from PetsMart. They also had a significantly smaller one, but the bubbler was located at its butt. I was afraid it would look like the dragon had a terrible case of gas. I'll post pictures once I'm out of the shower in about fifteen minutes. The bubbles come from his nose and mouth, which is much better than a Most Gaseous Dragon.
Wow, you were right when you said brief! 
It looks alright though 
I'm cleaning my sand now. I'll be changing out my substrate today, I think. Then I'll get my plants in.
I picked up four plants today:
Anubias nana
Water wisteria
Windelov java fern
Dwarf hair grass

I'll add the java moss tomorrow. Eventually I plan to add hornwort, amazon sword, and possibly some Christmas moss, which I think has some very interesting textures.

My tank water is still cloudy from adding the sand. It's just play sand. I rinsed it a dozen times and I thought the water was pretty clear, but I suppose I should have rinsed a few more times. Anyway, when the water finally clears and the sand settles, I'll post some pictures.

You don't suppose an olive nerite snail would do okay in there? I would go for Cory cats, but this tank is way too small for the number they would need.
attibones said:
I picked him up from PetsMart. They also had a significantly smaller one, but the bubbler was located at its butt. I was afraid it would look like the dragon had a terrible case of gas. I'll post pictures once I'm out of the shower in about fifteen minutes. The bubbles come from his nose and mouth, which is much better than a Most Gaseous Dragon.

Joshwainwright said:
Wow, you were right when you said brief! 
It looks alright though 
not much more than a picture ;)  A longer video would be cool attibones ...
You don't suppose an olive nerite snail would do okay in there?
Not sure on this as do not have any, I have Assassin Snails.  Can't wait to see more pics
A nerite snail should be fine in there but if you are wanting that dragon to get a "green" look then you might not achieve it with the snail in there because it will clean it.        LOL   I am liking the look of how this is coming along.  I understand about not being able to buy the ammonia.  I am not really sure that it is restricted in our state (I have never tried to buy it) but there is a ton of other stuff that can not be gotten because of the way it is used to make meth.  :/
The only snails I like are assassin snails. I (hopefully) have 5 coming next week after an outbreak of ramshorn and pond snails. I say hopefully because the bloke hasn't replied to any of my emails since I paid!
More often than not you're going to end up with pest snails coming in on your plants, or I have from my experiences so the only snails I would intentionally keep are assassins :)
Attibones - the dragon is awesome!!!

More pics, can't wait to see the plants in :D

RCA - wow that's a lot of balls! (Moss) I usually treat them like I do with plants, give em a darn good rinse under the tap and then let them sit in a bucket of water :)
Wildbetta said:
A nerite snail should be fine in there but if you are wanting that dragon to get a "green" look then you might not achieve it with the snail in there because it will clean it.        LOL   I am liking the look of how this is coming along.  I understand about not being able to buy the ammonia.  I am not really sure that it is restricted in our state (I have never tried to buy it) but there is a ton of other stuff that can not be gotten because of the way it is used to make meth.  :/
My "green" look should be coming from mosses growing over the dragon. I will attach the java moss today so you all can see.

As far as snails go, my plants are all promised to be pest free. I've purchased them from PetsMart, where I have never gotten a pest snail before. I really like snails though, so I think I will get one nerite snail for this tank.

Unfortunately, I'm very much concerned about my filter. It's not working. I made a plea for help in the DIY section if anyone has any ideas. I'm stumped.
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