The Infinity Tank Project

Looks great!

I've had a mirrored back on my 48-gallon aquarium for decades and have recommended it as a background. I also have a bubble wall in front of my background in the middle and it softens the illusion. I've had many tetras and other fish attracted to their reflection. Rummy-nose tetras would swim back and forth across the back of the tank. And it lets you have twice as many fish as your tank can hold! Sometimes, it looks like I have 16 cories! It also allows you to aquascape the tank differently, as you can see behind everything.

Taking photos is a problem for me. You get room lights or yourself in the reflection, or if you use the flash you get a burst of light.

I think it is the best type of background you can have!
Bubble wall and mirror sounds a great idea, would stop too much reflection. There is some mileage in these ideas for sure. When I have the time and inclination, I will give it more thought and take it to another level
Hard to get a photo of the bubble wall, but this is my tank....

(I always have trouble attaching my photos...I have to make them so small)

I love having the mirrored background. My aquarium actually came with it. It is a 6-sided Oceanic aquarium. (Kind of like a rectangle with the corners beveled when you look at it from above.

Good luck with your tank!


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Sweet tank my man! And I hear you about attaching photos. I haven't worked out how to do it without compressing them so much that they look blurred. There must be a way, as I have seen some really clear pics on here.
Guess it just takes reading the directions! Now I have to work on taking better photos....





Just create a Photobucket account, load the photos in an album, copy the IMG code and paste it in the text box!

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