The Indecisive Journal Of Trod's 5 Footer

Day 23

No water change today.


Ammonia 0
Nitrite .5
Nitrate 25
PH 8.3
SG 1.026
Temp. 27c (having trouble keeping temp. down at the moment :crazy: )
Phosphate .10 (just had to see :blush: )

OMG I'm nearly there :kana:
Glad to see things are moving along. Don't forget

"So, bacterial growth may have caught up with the level of nitrogen being produced, but things are still just test zero for ammonia because there are enough bacteria present to keep up with the nitrogen being released by the dying stuff. It does not necessarily mean things are finished decomposing or that ammonia is not being produced."
Day 24


Ammonia 0
Nitrite .1
Nitrate 10

No water change.

I am now going to look for a CUC, WHAT I hear you cry, Yes I know Lion fish are rather fond of the odd crustacean or two and I also know that some will leave them alone, so basically 'you pays your money and you takes your choice' I am willing to take the risk (Sorry if that upsets anyone).
I am thinking of 6 nassarius vibex, 6 Cerith some Turbo Snails and some hermit crabs, not sure which yet, probably have to go with what I can get hold of. STM might have some Trochus snails, which I believe are large. Anyone know about them?
I don't think I will put any shrimps in, not sure I could cope with them being a meal :sick:
All thoughts and comments gratefully received :good:
CUC will be put in probably in a week or 2, really want to make sure water is good, before they go in.

Looking good trod! Are you transferring any stock from the nano?

I won't be transferring any fish, for obvious reasons, but I have a rather large mushroom in my nano which will probably find its way over there in due course, but no plans for moving anything else over :good:
What about turbo snails? I think they get pretty big. I see some big shells at the lfs anyway. Not sure if they call them something else on your side of the pond?

From what I've googled Trochus don't appear to get more than an inch big.

Could we see a pick of algae?? It's always to see the inbetween stages also. I enjoyed those when I was new because I knew that my tank wasn't an exception that got the crap algae b/c of my bad luck :rolleyes: Although I never did get much algae :huh: I do have thick green crap all over, but am thinking it may turn to coralline as I have some coralline growth in those areas.

Anyways pics please!! :snap:

hehe =] cant wait for you to get your lion's!

How do people manage to keep there tanks in tip top condition if the lions eat the CuC?
Good question, Bagu. Fish eat algae too. I don't remember the size of her tank but she may be able to add a yellow tang or a fish like that. They do consume algae too. Employing the use of phosphate removers and keeping nitrates in check would also help, I imagine.

What do you plan to do if the lion eats your CUC and you can't have any?
LOL ok pictures it is. Although the algae isn't that bad yet, it is just starting to get the brown tinge of diatoms to the sand and some green stuff on the back, I'm sure it will be worse by the time my CUC are ready to go :shifty:





Sorry not the best pictures :blush:

I have been looking at an emperor angel, which I believe likes to munch on algae, but they are also fond of soft coral too :crazy:
Failing that a good maintenance routine, is the way to go :good:

I have just got back from my LFS and I have seen a gorgeous fish in there it was called Diana's hogfish(Bodianus diana) I have done a quick google search and they appear to be a rather aggressive fish, with a liking to crustacean :rolleyes: they can be kept with lions with caution, has anyone any experience of them?
I'm so excited for you, all the hardwork is almost over, your tank is looking lovely, you have some great rockscapes in there.
hi trod

emperor angel are not soft coral munchers but they will eat lps and they need a mature tank over a year to add one why not try a majestic angel they are easy to keep and will graze on algea and could add him in a few months but my brothers have not had much luck keeping emperors as they tanks are only about 8 months old and have had a lot of problems keeping them as they get a external growth on there bodys

regards scott

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