Day 24
Ammonia 0
Nitrite .1
Nitrate 10
No water change.
I am now going to look for a CUC,
WHAT I hear you cry, Yes I know Lion fish are rather fond of the odd crustacean or two and I also know that some will leave them alone, so basically 'you pays your money and you takes your choice' I am willing to take the risk (Sorry if that upsets anyone).
I am thinking of 6 nassarius vibex, 6 Cerith some Turbo Snails and some hermit crabs, not sure which yet, probably have to go with what I can get hold of. STM might have some Trochus snails, which I believe are large. Anyone know about them?
I don't think I will put any shrimps in, not sure I could cope with them being a meal
All thoughts and comments gratefully received
CUC will be put in probably in a week or 2, really want to make sure water is good, before they go in.
Looking good trod! Are you transferring any stock from the nano?
I won't be transferring any fish, for obvious reasons, but I have a rather large mushroom in my nano which will probably find its way over there in due course, but no plans for moving anything else over