The Hobbit

MBOU said:
Saw the Hobbit last night and was as amazing as predicted and I loved the humour put into it!! Was great to hear everyone laughing loudly! "Do you think the have any chips?" LOL brilliant!!

KCB, that you for that song!! Saved me trying to find it! I loved that song, was so moving!!

As for whoever 'doesnt much like hobbits' I have to admit, not my favourite characters but young Bilbo is the only hobbit in the film really, its all about Gandalf and the Dwarves. With some fantastic characters in there as always and The brown wizard (begins with R cant remember name tho...radagast? something like that!) was EXACTLY how I pictured him after reading the book a LONG time ago!!

The big downside to seeing the film, I really struggled with the film quality!! It was aimed with the assumption that people would be watching it in 3D and I didnt want to, i struggle to focus on 3D. But in a lot of scenes like the main fighting scenes and where they are panning out accross the mountains, everything was really quite blurry and out of focus!

I honestly thought it was my eyesight but it wasnt just me that found that, all 4 friends had the same problem! And at least 2 of us had perfect eyesight
and only 1 with glasses lol.

It didnt really effect the quality of the film, it just meant i felt a little bit 'seasick' when the cameras moved quickly! I would happily pay to go see it over and over again
How can you not like Bilbo?? 

I've never seen the movie but I LOOOVE the book.  Work of serious genius people!
I felt bit bhor while watching this movie. Because it was too much lenth. Hope second part will be interesting.
ive decieed to give the hobbit a go and its worse than i predicted, ive been watching it over 2 nights, i cant wacth more than an hour at a time, i find the dwarves to be too fake looking and childish, lotr was a deeply serious film, this film does it no justice, shocking really.
Got to admit I wasn't expecting much but was pleasantly surprised after watching it. Deftuch, have you read the books? The Hobbit and LOTR are totally different in terms of the books. The Hobbit was written as a children's book so you shouldn't really be comparing it too much with LOTR anyway....
I saw the hobbit.
I found it Mcuh better than I expected it to be. Then again, I was munching on nachos in gold class during it lol.
KCB said:
Has anyone seen the new Hobbit film? I really liked it, I haven't seen a decent film in far too long!

This song especially does it for me.

What did everyone else think?
Great film, although they overdid it on certain themes...
KCB said:
waiting til xmas eve! is everyone avoiding it in 3D? I am, it's far too long for 3D and I generally avoid anyway,
although I am intrigued by Peter Jackson's higher frame rate 3D method
I tend to avoid 3D movies anyway if I can help it. I wear glasses so it's a real pain having to wear glasses upon glasses

There didn't seem any opportunity for 3D effects anyway so seems like you would pay extra for no real entertainment value. I did hear about this higher frame rate but not sure what it actually does.
deftuch said:
i hate 3D! why does everyone like 3D, im a fan of lotr but the hobbit doesnt do it for me so i wont bother watching it.
tcamos said:
I hate 3D as well. I wish they would stop making movies that way. The human brain fills in the gaps so when I watch a movie I understand that things are supposed to be closer or father away, I don't need so-called 3D to do that for me.
deftuch said:

i hate 3D! why does everyone like 3D, im a fan of lotr but the hobbit doesnt do it for me so i wont bother watching it.
You haven't seen it so why judge before hand? Give it a chance
ive seen the adverts and if im honest i dont like the hobbits, they kinda annoy me lol

tcamos said:
>>>>I hate 3D as well. I wish they would stop making movies that way. The human brain fills in the gaps so when I watch a movie I understand that things are supposed to be closer or father away, I don't need so-called 3D to do that for me.
exactly, 3d has ruined films ever so slightly, it can be impressive but in general it ruins the film for me.

You guys need to watch the original Godzilla with the red and blue 3d glasses on and then go and watch The Croods in 3d. WAAAY better than Avatar (that I didn't really like in any aspect) in all areas of film. Even the voice acting is stella, unlike the shaky convincingness of what's-his-face in Avatar. That film didn't live up to an ounce of the hype it gave off. The Croods use of 3d is simply brilliant, though. Do yourselves a favour and save 3d film for yourselves.
Anybody seen a 4d film? Now THAT is a disappointment. No thanks to the Sealife Centre in Birmingham.
Flute said:
Bad reviews? People are either crazy or dead inside to give it bad reviews
I can understand the bad reviews. I love LotR and the LotR universe however (as I mentioned) Mr Jackson overdid the whole "lets run away" idea. The entire film was just... Running... Which I thought Dwarves were supposed to be cr*p at?
I'm just not into 3D, nothing can save it for me because I simply don't want it. It's like asking someone who doesn't like seafood to just try it one more time...
I've seen the old movies in the blue/red and still hate them as well...I've just never liked 3D even when I was a kid.
I've seen 4D at Disneyland in the Bugs life theater, it was fun but was also accompanied by animatronics. That was more like an attraction than a movie, it just happened to include a movie.
I guess I'm stubborn on this seemingly unimportant issue. ;)
I agree that Jackson's LoTR wasn't perfect but given the depth of the subject matter I think he did well.
I didn't like it, the book was miles better, it finished awfully abruptly aswell.  Hopefully the 2nd part will be better.
Of all the LOTR films I liked 2 towers best.
I wasn't hung up on 3D until I watch the life of Pi in 3D it was awesome, still got the nauseous feeling though lol 
Yes, 2 towers was my favorite of the books as well. It's sort of like Empire Strikes back...a victory in the end...but at a cost!
The ending of the hobbit shocked me a bit, could just imagine shaking fists at the eagles (I assume gwaihir) <-- think spelt like that!... and screaming curses at them for being left on top of the highest bloody lump of rock they could find LOL
Watched The Hobbit on DVD again day before yesterday, was tired but it was lovely, shared a duvet with my brother n the dog and we dozed towards the end lol. I loved it just as much second time round!
It does end abruptly but its because they have split it into a trilogy, tbh they could have done it in two films but it wouldnt have been anywhere near as detailed.
Thattiny little goblin messenger in a sling thing... I want one!
I liked it better the second time around and noticed little things I hadn't before. I am fine with the ending because I know it's part of a trilogy.
I don't know how they plan to make 3 movies out of the hobbit. Especially if they go for as long as the first 1. I was wondering why you guys were talking about DVD ( its not out here yet )then realized your in uk. :)
The Return of the King contained quite a bit of information in the appendix about what happened during the Hobbit that has been incorporated into the films. So from a purest stand point they aren't making the book The Hobbit but rather the tale of the Hobbit. As a long time fan I personally like this. I remember in 4th grade when I first read them all that the appendix were like a goldmine of information. Then Lost Tales came out and I learned about Alatar and Pallando and my mind was blown.
One of my old English teachers at school was himself taught by Professor Tolkien at Oxford.
That would be very cool. Aside form his fiction his work with myth was fascinating.

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