The Hobbit

i thought the hobbit was fantastic :) always been a fan of LOTR and was so excited to see the hobbit, dont think my friends liked it that much but i loved it, especially at the beginning part where the shire theme song or whatever it is (well its called 'concerning hobbits' i think it was that song anyway) comes on and it just like brings all the memories of the other films flooding back like super nostalgia :') lol man i love that tune, but yeah it was a top film :D
Saw the Hobbit last night and was as amazing as predicted and I loved the humour put into it!! Was great to hear everyone laughing loudly! "Do you think the have any chips?" LOL brilliant!!

KCB, that you for that song!! Saved me trying to find it! I loved that song, was so moving!!

As for whoever 'doesnt much like hobbits' I have to admit, not my favourite characters but young Bilbo is the only hobbit in the film really, its all about Gandalf and the Dwarves. With some fantastic characters in there as always and The brown wizard (begins with R cant remember name tho...radagast? something like that!) was EXACTLY how I pictured him after reading the book a LONG time ago!!

The big downside to seeing the film, I really struggled with the film quality!! It was aimed with the assumption that people would be watching it in 3D and I didnt want to, i struggle to focus on 3D. But in a lot of scenes like the main fighting scenes and where they are panning out accross the mountains, everything was really quite blurry and out of focus!

I honestly thought it was my eyesight but it wasnt just me that found that, all 4 friends had the same problem! And at least 2 of us had perfect eyesight ;) and only 1 with glasses lol.

It didnt really effect the quality of the film, it just meant i felt a little bit 'seasick' when the cameras moved quickly! I would happily pay to go see it over and over again :)
Seeing as first video has now been removed... here is one that does work!

Have to admit two other things... firstly... seeing James Nesbitt as a dwarf made me nearly pmsl !! I actually laughed out loud in the cinema!! His face is unmistakeable!

And I might be a little bit in love with Richard Armitage as Thorin (dwarf king), especially during that song!!

Edit: oops... he actually looks quite old in that video, need to find better picture to look at whilst listening to the song
or maybe just play that song and Aragorn's crowning ceremony song (ROTK) in loops and a video of the pair of them... *plots*

Edit Edit: Eeep he is 41!! ah well... He doesnt look so good in photos of Thorin lol.
Yeh I love that song, even purchased it from iTunes so I can set it to repeat in my car :lol:.
Doh, now I really want to have a LOTR movie night :lol:. Wish I had them on Bluray, it would look amazing!
I do have them on blu-ray.

Very pretty.
I have watched the hobbit

What did you think of it? And did you watch it in 2D or 3D?

I wish BluRays weren't so extortionate otherwise I'd have bought the full set! Maybe I will have saved enough money when all the other Hobbit installments come out

I've just purchased the rest of the LOTR on paperback so they should tide me over till next year maybe :lol:. Is anyone else reading or has read the books?
I have ordered the 2 of the LOTR books , just waiting for them to come through the post. I watched it in 2D as 3D makes my vision blurry when I take the glasses off. I thought it was good, quite entertaining. I forgot to put my phone on silent, it was on full volume, and it rang in the middle of the movie. That got me some attention!

How many LOTR books are there?
3 LOTR books :)

1- Fellowship of the ring
2- The two towers
3- Return of the king

I have read all three books to death :p I love them soooo much!! The only problem now is i always skip the first 80 pageso f the first book, i actually know bilbos party almost off by heart!

The hobbit I havent read in many many years and Silmarillion was a nightmare!! I kept trying to read it over and over but its one of the incredibly few books that has ever defeated me!
Am unashamed to admit that I have bought the soundtrack and the Art of book :D I collect concept art books and it's the most beautiful one I've ever seen, well worth getting even if you're not into art :good:

Going to see it again on Wednesday

Time to go search on Weta's website to see what other shiny things I can buy!
I really enjoyed the hobbit, more than I thought I would. I couldn't see how it was possible to drag it out into three films but I thought the first film really did the book justice.

Only one criticism; not enough singing & dancing in Rivendell!

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