The Fashion House Birthday Nano Tank!

hmm...he doesnt watch the footy and believe it or not he does listen to me...too well sometimes and catches me out! I think Im going to just have to get it over with and tell him!

Right thats final designers it is then!
ok.................So I told him.........................He was.......................OK!!!! YIPEEEEEE!!!!!
I went about it in a carefully planned way, first started talking about shrimp/goby combos as he loves these things, then started asking how to sound proof something...(got him in on the DIY bit) and then asked how to make the stand soundproof just in case the filter vibrates! To which he replied "Oh so you are getting it then?" Yep i said and he said ok, when? So I say at the weekend...he says ok...shall we go and get a milkshake from Macdonalds!

How easy!

So its not a secret anymore! Woohoo!

And the nano fashion house was born!
You were panicking over nothing then.

They often surprise you in really weird ways, and they reckon us women are difficult to figure out!!

I mean, it is not difficult to keep us happy, all they have to do is say yes to what we want, be it very nice Diamonds or a new fish tank!!
Last night he was all I speak to him about times to pick the tank up and hes a bit funny still......I will let him ride it out.....I know for a fact when the tank is up and running he will be really interested.....Men!

OOOH Update....I am picking the tank up on Saturday so pics to follow!
Im going to take some pics of possible places to put the tank as well as I still havent decided!
Ey, I would like to say somthing!

Its not all BF's that are in the wrong lol, I keep telling my GF if we ever get a place together im getting a huge tank, she keeps telling me no :( but if at first you dont suceed TRY TRY AND TRY AGAIN.
I'm sure once you go and pick it up, you'll win him round completely :nod:

Nice move............... Macdonalds milkshake :rofl:
I KNOW he will thats the frustrating thing! And he will be a kid in a candy shop when he sees Robs new tank! Oh and the milkshake was his idea.....

Im so excited!
Hey GGUK - Thought I'd respond on here rather than hijacking Rob's journal more than I have already!
I see you've broken it to the boyfriend then!! As I said when you came over - He'll love it when he gets it and starts finding corals and fish. I give it 6 months before he starts talking about getting a bigger one for himself!

I was just wondering for those of you who do manual water changes (without a python) do you protect your floor with anything in case you spill anything?
yep that is the problem! If I spill on the carpet the boyfriend will go I was thinking of getting one of those rugs that go round the bottom of the loo to catch nasty stuff and just put ot down when I am doing a water change.

Ben, I use a siphon but I still manage to get it everywhere, it gets on the bottom of the bucket and then on everything I ut the bucket on!
Well today was D-day...and it went very well.....Correct me if I am wrong Rob but the boyfriend seemed quite interested!
So I have finally got the tank! At one point we did think it might not fit in the car, the boyfriend has a 307cc and the boot is a tardis...or so I thought! :huh: oops! So after gettingthe tank in the boot and the filter etc we still had the stand left...back seat! Well it would have been a million times easier to put the roof down and stick it in but we couldnt as the tank was already in the boot stopping the roof mechanism! Oh well we squeeze it in through the door all the while I am getting "the look" to say if this damages my leather seats you are dead!

Anyway all went well and we unloaded at home

This is the Tank

This is the stand

The inside of the lid

The back of the tank with the barnicle things stuck on!

The eheim filter

And before I was allowed to assemble it all Honey had to investigate

I think she approves! Either that or she can smell your cats Rob!

So next came the move to the front room....

I put it all together and then slowly slid into place as its a tight squeeze!
On the stand -

View from the Front room door -

View from the fireplace -

And the best one...the view from where I sit!

I have a few questions though Rob, In the pic below there is a hole I have pointed out, what was that for?
does the external filter out pipe go from the first chamber and the return into the second?
Does the heater sit in the third chamber/ And how does it attach? If it does at all?
Does the pump in the third chamber just sit in the bottom and it doesnt matter how or in any position?
How do you attach the korila to the tank?

Um I think that is is ...for now!

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