The Fashion House Birthday Nano Tank!

Wehay..another convert to the way of the ric !!! Greens really show up well under led's or any blue light as well, bet it's only your first too once you see it flouresce at night under blue light.
Nice to get a blood for the price of a cleaner too..not many shops would do that.
Was looking at the green Yumas in SWM myself on Friday but ended up with a stunning golden torch instead but i am sure my Thursday trip will result in a new Yuma :)
Had a bad day today, got up to find gabbana my male clown gone...looked everywhere even in the fuge at the back...nothing....looked around the bottom of the tank....nothing......picked a plastic bag up which had bubblewrap in...there he was! Stiff as a board! Poor gabbana! So after I shed a tear I thought about poor Dolce being on her own! So yes you have guessed off I went to get a mate for her...went to a not so local lfs where they had loads of ocellaris as some of you may remember I really wanted a mixed pair to start with but ended up with a pair of percs from buying a fully stocked tank cheaply. Well I have bought an ocellaris which has really nice black defined lines he is aclimitising at the as I cant bring myself to call him gabbana I am calling him copagabbana (a take on copacabana!) as he is more tropical orange and still a part of D&G!
Also couldnt resist the 2 sexy shrimp they had so they are acclimitising too at the moment.

I will get pics and upload later tonight.....
ok so as promised here are the update pics, there are quite a few as I wasnt expecting to update with new fish too!

Green Rics -


Blood Shrimp - Loubi





One of George as he is so hard to picture!

The 2 Sexy Shrimp






and finally a FTS today
Looking really nice - i suspect you need a few more cuc to get that algae for you at the front of the glass :good:

Seffie x

Yes I do seffie! I already have a mithrax and several hermits and snails in the other nano that still holds the dottyback so these will get transferred across hopefully by the end of the bank holiday.

Probably more pics to come when I finally catch the dottyback!
So I have bitten the bullet and finally caught the dottyback! Had to take all the rock out very slowly so she didnt hide in one! Also managed to catch the mithrax and my peppermint shrimp that I have only seen a handful of times! Also have 2 red legs and a couple of snails, I am sure there are more snails still in the nano but I will find these when I move the rock to my puffer tank.
All acclimitisng at the moment...will be sure to get pics of at least the peppermint as I doubt I will get another chance with him!

As you have guessed all the fish and crabs are now in the fashion house! Yay at last!

I had a cunning plan on how to get my dottyback and shrimp into the new tank without having to net them again...I put a mug in the tub with them acclimitising and yep they both hid in it meaning I could just pick the mug up and pour almost all the water out and tip into the tank...success! I had taken some pics first as I knew I would not see peppermint any time soon!

He has grown loads sinceI got him....shrimp and dottyback in the mug!

Shrimp and dottyback...look how flat the dottyback is in the wonder she could get inside a rock and not be seen!


And finally can you see peppermint...possibly the last time I will!

So now everything has moved over.....mithrax is loving the algae which is good so hopefully he will tuck in and clear it all up.

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