Well...heres my update...I havent been on in a long while....been ill with the dreaded lurgy...(its not that bad really!) and have been soooo busy with my new job...
Anyway I will try and do this in the order it happened!
So I went to SWM and bought some zoas, ric and a conch....
Heres the big devil.....
my blenny...still to be named is getting on fine with the sailfin...now called Louis Vitton!
the star fish I bought a while back is doing great...thought he was a gonna as his tip had a huge chunk out of it but he has regrown it now so all good!
So heres a FTS from July
Sputnik is doing well
And the Toadstool has really opened up now...
Its so hypnotic...video!
so my last update was me getting aa GSP frag and a Green Clown Goby...
Heres the GSP...
And heres George (short for Georgio Armani)..the GCG
Last week while in one of my lfs I saw a bright green feather duster...had to have it...
and also some green stripey mushrooms....with 2 hidden extras....
in the 2nd and 3rd above of the mushrooms you can just see some legs that belong to a black and white star fish of some kind and some unidentified coral to the right...looks like little polyps in bright green that retract back into the rock...anyone have any ideas?
The mushrooms were a steal at £15...with the extras for free of course!
So Saturday I went to good old Reel Reefs in cheltenham and was looking at some lovely Medusa coral but wasnt quite decided as the colour wasnt that great when I spotted this little beauty in the frag tank...
has a real green colour to it...
this is it today ...looking good!
So I have been a busy bee really....
here is todays FTS...
Completely forgot to mention that Stella the Cleaner shrimp has now been transferred to the fashion house too! The Magenta Dottyback was meant to go in as well but after taking all the rock out of the tank she was nowhere to be seen! Thought she had been eaten...

....put all the rock back in and there she was! Couldnt go through taking the rock out again so will wait a couple of days and catch her! Oh and I saw my peppermint shrimp for the 3rd time evr! glad to see he is still alive...not killing aptasia though!