The Continuing Adventures Of Skifletch

The chemistry battle continues, although I'm slowly winning. Trying to go slowly so as to not overshoot. At least calc has been corrected :D

sg: 1.025
Temp: 81
pH: 8.2
Calc: 400ppm
Alk: 10.2 dKH
Mg: 1180ppm
Nitrate: 10ppm
So, continuing with the chemistry battle last night we have...

sg: 1.025
Temp: 77
pH: 8.1
Calc: 500ppm
Alk: 9.6 dKH
Mg: 1170ppm
Nitrate: 20ppm

Overshot a little bit on the calcium there :blush:. My biggest worries now are that my magnesium dosing is not yeilding higher Mg levels. I dumped another cup of the additive in there last night so we'll see how things turn out tomorrow. Also nitrates were up a bit, but that could just be the flaky API kit I use. I'm gonna be miffed if the Mg isn't up when I get home...
Sorry to post this in your journal but at what levels do nitrates start to be a real problem in marine set ups?

Tank looks amazing by the way :) Have added a Fairy Wrasse to my list of "fish to research" as well :)
No worries Barney, happy to educate here :). Nitrates become problematic depending on the livestock kept. I'll list my own "general" oppinions from what I've gleaned/experienced:

<100ppm - Fish Only setups, and also some soft corals can tolerate up this high.
<40 ppm - Shrimp, snails, inverts, all softies, most LPS and hardy SPS (provided phosphates low), and clams can do OK up to 40ppm. Hard corals may brown out.
<20 ppm - More sensetive LPS and SPS can do well up to this value. Decorative anemones (with the exception of E. quadricolor) stress much above 20ppm.
<10 ppm - Should be a goal for all stony coral keepers and sensetive invert keepers to truly promote the health of the animal. Remember, nitrates on a reef are nearly indetectable in most cases.

Having said that there's always exceptions to the rule. Heck, one of the local tank maintenance pro's around here tells me that most of his FO tanks in dentists offices and the like end up being in the 100-200ppm range of nitrate and they do just fine in there for years.

Fairy Wrasses are pretty easy fish to keep. 3 concerns you should have with them: They jump so you NEED a hood or egg-crate; They're intolerant of new fairy wrasses, so it's best to add multiples at once to lessen aggression (a la Chiclids); They sleep in the sand so they will often bury small coral frags if left in the sand bed ;)
Ugh, bad news today... Come home to find one of the new wrasses, my C. Punctatus male stricken with ich. Furthermore, spots are prevalent on all other fish in the tank, although none anywhere near as bad. So into hyposalinity QT they go, hope everyone pulls through
Ugh, and I just burned my arm on my halide light... Great night so far
Ugh, bad news today... Come home to find one of the new wrasses, my C. Punctatus male stricken with ich. Furthermore, spots are prevalent on all other fish in the tank, although none anywhere near as bad. So into hyposalinity QT they go, hope everyone pulls through
Dang, sorry to hear it Ski, but im sure everyone will be just fine, especially with a expert aquarist like yourself. :good:
Ugh, and I just burned my arm on my halide light... Great night so far
Man, now that just sucks... :(
Lets call it the right of passage burn

Lol, I'm amazed it took me this long to get one :lol:. It wasn't all that bad due to some good fan coverage I have in there, but a decent burn nonetheless
ski something to cheer you up in a way maybe ... we got a lush wrasse in today which i recon you would love! only problem is i cant remeber what its called all its down as is a colour pacific wrasse, its green and pink and like no wrasse i have seen before , il get a pic one day thought id share with u the wrasse lover :p

sorry to hear about the ich breakout, im sure there pull thorugh i hate that parasite, garlic for all!!
Pics huh? well current shots would of course be without fish, and of glass walls that haven't been cleaned... I do have a couple on the digicam at home though that I took last week... Could get those up tonight if I have time.
Come home, go downstairs, check on the fish in QT and what do I find?....










Both clownfish are swimming into the powerhead flow and covered in whitespots... I doubt they'll make it through the night. Apparently I wasn't fast enough to save them :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
Oh my gash....damn bro im so sorry man. :-( :sad: R.I.P. to the fish...I hope your clowns pull through. What do you think caused the ich?
Oh my gash....damn bro im so sorry man. :-( :sad: R.I.P. to the fish...I hope your clowns pull through. What do you think caused the ich?

Well the ich first manifested itself on the new C. Punctatus male a couple weeks after purchase. Because I failed to quarantine him I've essentially infected my entire tank and can only pray the rest make it through.

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