The Continuing Adventures Of Skifletch

Here's the teaser... Went to my LFS tonight and the owner of the "wrasse tank" there at the shop is taking it down and selling off a bunch of his wrasses at good cheap prices. And of course I couldn't resist, so I purchased 2 new Cirhillabrus genus and one Pseudochilienus genus wrasse. IMO there's really only one nice pseudo genus wrasse, so you guys can prolly figure that one out, but the Cirhillabrus genus wrasses might throw you guys for a loop. Pics in the morning when I can dig my USB cable out of the squalor that is my room :D
As promised the new guys... First up, a hammer coral


Then, the Mystery Wrasse


And finally, the new pair of wrasses. Many taxonomoists are arguing whether this Wrasse pair is a known species, or a new speies entirely. They closely resemble C. punctatus although because they do not have the "dots" associated with C. punctatus, many taxonomists think they may be a subspecies. They also closely resemble C temminckii. I do know however that this pair is a Vanuatu-collected morph.

very nice Mr Fletch :good:

the wrasses are beeautiful :wub:
Thanks guys, I'm such a wrasse addict... There has to be a 12 step program for this :D
i think its rubbed off on me my next planned fish are fairy wrasse, canary wrasse, carpenters flasher wrasse and another wrasse of some sorts, damn you skifletch for this, or should i say thank you wrasses are by far the most colourful and sometiems peaceful reef fishies :D il be joining you on that 12 step or while your gone sneak to the states and steal that mystery wrasse ....
Lol shibby, glad I could inspire. Just remember to you or anyone reading this, wrasses ARE jumpers...
So tonight we have the first round of chemistry tests on the new reef.

sg: 1.025
Temp: 80
pH: 8.1
Calc: 360 Yikes
Alk: 9.8 dKH
Mg: 1110 Yikes
Nitrate: 15

So looks like my tank is a little calcium and magnesium hungry here in the early going. Let the dosing begin :D
I forgot to mention in my original posting since I was so excited to get the 65g up. In breaking down the old rock stack to transfer over to the new tank I finally figured out why I cannot grow zooanthids in my tank. What did I find under all my rocks in the shadows.... Sundial snails :(. I've never seen them out "in the act" so to speak, but if they're there, that explains the mysterious zoo deaths. Palythoas I can grow no problems (espeially Palythoa grandis), but I never could grow zoos. I was beginning to think I just had tainted fingers. Now since my nano tank has had no contact with the display (entirely different stocking there) I'm gonna try and grow som zoos there :)

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