The Continuing Adventures Of Skifletch

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Current fishlist is:

Solorensis Wrasse
Pair of Skunk Clowns
Green Bar Goby
Mystery Wrasse
Springers Pseudochromis

and in quarantine a Purple Firefish (whose doing quite well I might add :))

one of these?
Nope, sorry I make that mistake a lot :). Green bar Dartfish not goby.

What an incredible little fish, do they have the same requirements as purple and red dartfish (aka firefish)??
Did Leut. Piew die?
What an incredible little fish, do they have the same requirements as purple and red dartfish (aka firefish)??
Did Leut. Piew die?

Yes, same care requirements as purple and red dartfish. Although they tend to school more and are significantly hardier than purple firefish. things are voracious eaters but a little shy to quick movement around the tank. that guy is the oldest fish in my tank, will be 3 years old in April. He, the Solorensis, and the Pseudo are the old farts :)
Yeah, they're pretty uncommon in the trade. Not sure why :unsure:
Well it's been a while so I figured I could update a little bit :). Not too much has changed with the tank other than growth as far as corals go. Lost a monti plate which got killed by a neighboring "Orange Crush" acanthastrea (whoops ;)) and I damaged my big green acropora millepora while cleaning, so now it's growing sideways :lol:. Still struggling with aiptasia so I finally got some berghia nudibranchs to try. I'm told it takes them a long time to really get going, so only time will tell if they're successful. Fingers crossed.

On the hardware front, I did finally get a Neptune Systems Aquacontroller Jr. Awesome piece of hardware, I don't know how I lived without it. It's a time/temperature/pH capable control system. I'm not a fan of pH meters so I don't use it, but having over and under temp controls is AWESOME. When the tank warms up, it turns off the heater first at 79F (it's set for 78), turns the fans on if the temp creeps up to 80F (and shuts them off if it gets back below 79.5), turns the big sump box fan on if it hits 81F (summertime operation), turns the halides off if over 83F, and turns the skimmer off if it gets over 84F. All that should make sure I never cook the tank again. even if hardware fails :D

Anyway, did get a new fish in the tank, a gorgeous Kole Tang. My tank is pretty much the smallest limit for this the smallest of Tangs. He's healthy and eating very well :) Excuse the blur, but I've never met the Tang that stay's still enough for a camera that I can afford.


Then we have a couple new coral frags, an australian blastomussa, and a gorgeous red acanthastrea


Next up I figured I'd show off my disgustingly neon green torch coral. The color balance isn't quite right on the picture, but this thing is one of my favorites


My Christmas present from the girlfriend is next up. Gorgeous purple/green Aussie Euphyllia Anchora


Aybody remember when this Duncanopsamnia was one head? Somethin like 15-20 now :D


BigC, these pics are for you. Couple of my twin elegance to you. Second one has my female skunk clown hosting which is a good 3" long



And then lastly, what update would be complete without a FTS :yahoo:


Hope you all enjoyed :)
Beautiful Tang :drool:

Corals look amazing, Hammer looks how I hope mine will look soon, that Duncan, well :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

I read the beginning again too, the Labouti was to die for, you get so much more choice on wrasses than I can find anywhere here.

Going to have to stop drooling now

Keep up the good work, hope for more soon.

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