The Continuing Adventures Of Skifletch

I'd love some pictures too :). Won't be home with a camera (mine isn't worth the pastic it's made out of) till saturday though. I've been dropping all kinds of hints for a new one, hopefully they're heard.

And we never got ice here in Western NY, you pretty much needed to be in the albany area to get nailed, and that's a good 200 miles away from my house. We are supposed to get a TON of snow tomorrow though. Gonna be fun going into work :(
hehe we just got 3" last night, 2.5" a couple days ago and 1.5" a few days before that. We're in for some more Saturday night with blizzard like conditions b/c of the light fluffy snow that just fell. It'll get blown around plus the other snow will be coming down. :lol:

So how much snow did you get?

oh yea, and we've had windchills down to -36F in the daytime :eek:
You dont have a camera, what kind of excuse is that for not taking photos!! (well actually I guess its probably the best excuse but still.... :p )

I know what you mean about the snow, thankfully down in this little corner of england we dont get it much but I have a RWD car that likes to slide round corners at the best of times so when it does snow driving in to work is always "interesting" :)
You dont have a camera, what kind of excuse is that for not taking photos!! (well actually I guess its probably the best excuse but still.... :p )

I know what you mean about the snow, thankfully down in this little corner of england we dont get it much but I have a RWD car that likes to slide round corners at the best of times so when it does snow driving in to work is always "interesting" :)

LOL i always want it to snow hear :shifty:
You dont have a camera, what kind of excuse is that for not taking photos!! (well actually I guess its probably the best excuse but still.... :p )

I know what you mean about the snow, thankfully down in this little corner of england we dont get it much but I have a RWD car that likes to slide round corners at the best of times so when it does snow driving in to work is always "interesting" :)

LOL i always want it to snow hear :shifty:

Me too, I love snow.................we never really get anything worthwhile anymore :crazy: Today in the South East of England it is 8 degrees and sunny - bring on the snow that's what I say! Mind you, suppose you should be careful what you wish for :p

Seffie x

ps oh darn, just realised I have fallen into the British pass time of talking about the weather :crazy:

Oh I have a camera, but its a 5 year old rampant POS and couldn't take a picture of a reef tank if it's life depended upon it.

Btw since we're talking about the weather, we've had prolly 2-3 feet of snow since thursday night here in Buffalo... Frigging Lake Erie :(
That's a helluva lotta snow Ski!! I'd love that here. :wub: We get a few inches about every other day or two. Temps have been cold enough to make it stick around to.
Hope everyone had a good christmas :). So I have good news and bad news for a quick update. First the bad news:

A couple weeks ago my poor purple firefish took a trip down my drainline and into my sump. Along the way he got mangled pretty badly by the unions and valves (I'm amazed the big old guy made it that far). I returned him to the display tank with all his fins badly mangled and his right eye gone. Sadly he never really recovered from his injuries and dissapeared last Tuesday, I assume since I haven't seen him since that he met his demise and was gobbled up by scavengers.

Other bad news is that I learned the hard way that Acanthastrea if they touch Montipora Capricornis will sting it half to death... Poor cap, just when he was recovering he gets whacked by his neighbor. I was able to save a few polyps of the cap though and he will make a full recovery eventually.

The good news however is that on the same day he died my LFS got a shipment of fish with his twin brother so of course seeing an omen like that I snatched him right up. The new guy is now in QT, still really shy but doing well so far. He pigs out on food when I add it to the tank and has no signs of disease. Sweet.

Other good news is that my girlfriend for christmas bought me the spitting image of the old green hammer coral I used to have which never made it through the cooking incident from the summer. It's so great to have that piece back again :) It too is hanging out in QT with full polyp extension and looking very healthy. Should be a great addition to the tank.

And lastly, a bit of a tease. I'm not at home right now, but pictures have been taken and will be uploaded tomorrow morning :)
Indeed it does :)

Well here's my recent FTS. Excuse the algae on the back glass, haven't had much time to do anything other than visit family and eat food the past few days. I'm finally starting to get the coraline cover I want on the back glass on the right hand side. Some people don't like the coraline look, and some do. TBH, I just want it covered in coraline cause healthy coraline prevents nuisance algae from growing and if I can get it covered I won't have to worry about cleaning it anymore :lol: Everything is otherwise settling in very well. The SPS have started to grow like wildfire and as such it's been difficult to keep up with calcium and alkalinity demand. I'm beginning to see why all the aquarists with SPS ultimately turn to some combination of kalkwasser and a calcium reactor, you almost have to to stay up with the demand. Anyway, enjoy the FTS :)

ooo finally a pic, Ski :D Thanks Lots of color. Looks Great.

sorry to hear about the loss. Glad to hear about the new additions. I don't particularly care for the algae on the back glass...but that may change when I have to start cleaning it :lol:
ooo finally a pic, Ski :D Thanks Lots of color. Looks Great.

sorry to hear about the loss. Glad to hear about the new additions. I don't particularly care for the algae on the back glass...but that may change when I have to start cleaning it :lol:

:lol: yeah just you wait, you're gonna love it :hyper:
Nice picture, like the aquascape. I have a brackish tank as well and you 'grow' to love the algae look :crazy: I too would rather have the coraline covering the back, I like it :good:

Seffie x


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