Hope everyone had a good christmas

. So I have good news and bad news for a quick update. First the bad news:
A couple weeks ago my poor purple firefish took a trip down my drainline and into my sump. Along the way he got mangled pretty badly by the unions and valves (I'm amazed the big old guy made it that far). I returned him to the display tank with all his fins badly mangled and his right eye gone. Sadly he never really recovered from his injuries and dissapeared last Tuesday, I assume since I haven't seen him since that he met his demise and was gobbled up by scavengers.
Other bad news is that I learned the hard way that Acanthastrea if they touch Montipora Capricornis will sting it half to death... Poor cap, just when he was recovering he gets whacked by his neighbor. I was able to save a few polyps of the cap though and he will make a full recovery eventually.
The good news however is that on the same day he died my LFS got a shipment of fish with his twin brother so of course seeing an omen like that I snatched him right up. The new guy is now in QT, still really shy but doing well so far. He pigs out on food when I add it to the tank and has no signs of disease. Sweet.
Other good news is that my girlfriend for christmas bought me the spitting image of the old green hammer coral I used to have which never made it through the cooking incident from the summer. It's so great to have that piece back again

It too is hanging out in QT with full polyp extension and looking very healthy. Should be a great addition to the tank.
And lastly, a bit of a tease. I'm not at home right now, but pictures have been taken and will be uploaded tomorrow morning