The Best Of Aquabid

hey chuddy, I have considered it but not quite stepped the line yet but am thinking about it :) will let you know results when do!
I got a quote from Joachim the german transhipper 4 months ago for 90-170 euros shipping costs from Germany to Uk + shipping costs Thailand to Germany + a 30 euro transhipper fee + price of betta. Either way your looking at around £180 but if you group together with a few members on here you can drammatically reduce the cost by splitting costs up.

My jack is a Thai import but I got him through a thirdparty company cost me £15.25 and that was with a 50% discount code on the betta as I was one of the first 20 customers on the online store. DP fishways import Bettas and are a good supplier, I got mine via GB bettas which stock quite a varied number of CTs.
I feel I have seen both of these shops before I have looked in a lot of places, recently picked up a CT male from somewhere in north London just from a LFS had a discussion with the guy about fish less cycling, he of course thought 5 platties was the best way to do it. I also found a place called coxwells aquatics advertised on a website white claimed to stock male and female ct's i eventually will be wanting about 5 females for a community tank and they were listed as 2 quid each. Anyone been/heard about this place?

just so i dont get in trouble for going off topic

:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: Wow tropicjohn, that plakat is wonderfully and strangely coloured and the tail on the other one is .. WOW.. I bet he is going for a very high price!
I actually had that guy tagged to buy it. Had already got in contact with the seller and if I won the auction arranged to pick up from him directly on my way to Pataya where I am doing my dive course. Bit out of my price range now.
Trying to guilty trip the gf in to buying him for me now

OK you now have no excuse to arrange a visit to one of the farms, I,e Crackerbetta, Rainybetta, Ram_91, etrc and take pix for us. :p

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