There is NO excuse for any of that. That's insane! What the heck are they thinking?? And how can people do that? Like where's their heart and humanity!?It should be illegal. Unfortunately yes. And they can force you to do dangerous exercises. Some of the abuse that people I’ve met through this group have endured is insane. Nurses grabbing them by the hair, dragging them away from the toilet because “puking means you WANT to be sick”
A 9 year old girl was seizing, the doctor picked her up and dropped her unconscious on the cement floor to “prove she was faking it” -she wasn’t
Forcing children with artery compressions making it that they cannot eat to eat (or drink blended up ham sandwiches)
Forcing a girl to exercise to the point of fainting, as soon as she woke up, forcing her to exercise again without giving her any medical checkup. She later learned that vigorous exercise causes her heart to flatline. But she was told it was an “attention thing”
They cut people cold Turkey off of meds that are extremely dangerous to cut cold Turkey.
Take wheelchairs from paralyzed people.
Leave kids on the floor unconscious. Lock them in rooms. Verbally and physically and even sexually abuse them.
They don’t let parents or guardians watch the “therapy sessions” - I wonder why?
I’m thankful that my experience was one of the milder ones and that my parents saw through the facade and didn’t fall for their program brainwashing. They pulled me out after a week.
The damage was done though. There is definitely still some things I deal with that were caused by the program. They not only caused worsening of my physical health, but some trauma as well. I still have a deep instilled shame of using my cane/walker/wheelchair thanks to them. I still try to push through my pain and try to be normal because I HAD to. It causes more permanent damage every time, but it’s so hard to allow myself to have limits because I was berated for taking breaks. Told I want to be sick, I’m a shame to my family, I don’t want to get better, I’m lazy etc
I'm so sorry Gius.
You shouldn't feel any shame for using a walker or wheelchair, and I know how much you don't want to be sick.
And you are ANYTHING but a shame to your family.
As to you being lazy, you are not. I see you give 100% of whatever you have and you are so so strong.
I've vaguely heard of these things, but not to this extent... Insane...
I'm glad you didn't get the extreme side of it, it sounds like, but still, I'm sorry you had to be any part of it