Tank Equipment - Lighting Help At The Moment!

Yeah, people only tend to keep one flame angel though.... cos their like £60 a throw lol.

Wooooow! Thats a bit salty! (excuse the pun). Very nice fish though

PS. Ive been looking at RO units. Is a 2 phase unit the one for the job?
I have this unit,

Dont waste time or money here you gotta budget £100 and it gotta have a DI unit and TDS meter

RO unit

It is absolutly excellent quality unit! oh and it is HUGE!

HMM I wanted two flame angels I'll make sure I leave wife at home when I buy them then!

i as always sugest a flasher wrasse, blue spotted leapord wrasse, 6line wrasse, a fireball dwarf angel, a small shoal of 3 blue star damsels or alan damsels and a jawfish if sandbed deep enough, also a neon goby to keep things in check!

fireballs or coral beautys are cheaper :) i can get a flame for £42 :rolleyes:
dont think that you need a DI resin, if you are on a budget but want good water you can skip the DI part. You can always add on a separate DI resin later on really easily.
No. Not since I got a restraining order against him.
Been looking at that RO-MAN website. Amazing quality products. I think I will spend the little extra and get one with a DI resin.

What is the rough size of these units? I am thinking of mounting it on the wall below my combi.
Heres mine




Thats a 5 gallon bucket and i used a saddle piercing valve to get the water. Of course you dont have to use a saddle piercing, it was just the easiest and best way to do it in my house.
Here's mine, wall mounted in the utlity room / shed / outhouse. I got it off ebay for just under £80 delivered, plus all the refills. Was pretty much a bargain for all the kit I got. Wall mounting it is a good idea too. I'd recommend gettting some heavy duty coach bolts and raw plugs to hold it up with. They are heavy enough without having water in them too!

yeah, and if you use clear acrylic like me it is even more fragile.

Anyway im not a fan of ebay RO units..... Im not a fan of most things from china actually.....
you can clearly see from AK77 it isnt from china that is the best money can buy RO unit made here in united kingdom.

I gotta say musho you know a lot of stuff but, by golly you are a grumpy bstard!

lol, most ebay things that are first hand at that price is generally chinese made.

Ive lived there, go there every once and a while, my mom is from there and i was born there, boy ive seen some really cheapo chinese stuff.... My mom always tells me to not buy chinese made products since they are bad quality. i live in america but lots of stuff here says "made in China", you dont have to live in china to be cursed by their products.

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