Tank Busters

my 4ft is 90UK gallons :p

I thought your meant to keep them in small groups 3+ anyways so would 2 be acceptable??? :/
2 is fine. I only have 1. they are fine singly, but just seem to be social with their own kind so do go well in small groups!
If I find another one on my travels, I will probably get it, but he does well on his own. he's always playing with my Oscar! :lol: :lol:
And 90UK g for a 4ft? what is the width and height of that tank?
That tank is 4x20"x2', and yep i rembered it wrong, 80UK gallons.

My next tank will be a 100UK gallon 4ft!! 4x2x2

ah ha, it's a real shame shotgate didn't have them there when I went, they did have them a few months back!!

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