Stupid warning labels and such...

Humans....I am sure that as the centuries have rolled by, the typical human (more often the male variant) has lost the common sense gene....

Be careful - we aren’t allowed to make negative comments about men, I’ve had a post “amended” because it’s upset someone 😳😂😂
Let's keep politics out of this and all other discussions on the forum, please.

There are plenty of websites on the internet to discuss your political views...TFF is not one of them.

Thank you.
Ya, so some idiot doesn't go under water in a pool and breathes and then sues saying: THERE WAS NO SIGN!!! I ALMOST DIED!!!
Warnings are put on products to help prevent lawsuits.
On takeout hot coffee cups you will often see the warning Caution: Hot

The True Stella Awards® were inspired by Stella Liebeck. In 1992, Stella, then 79, spilled a cup of McDonald’s coffee onto her own lap, burning herself. A New Mexico jury awarded her $2.9 million in damages.
That was actually different... Because she got the highest degree of burns and it was on accident... She HONESTLY just wanted help with her medical bills due to it... And yes her medical bills WERE that much.
Isnt that their for?.... Ive used em that way and I turned out almost smart...
Outer ear :good:
Inner ear :sad: - compacts wax in ear canal causing hearing loss and tinnitus

WARNING : Never put anything smaller than your elbow into your ear!

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