I'm going to have to agree with tca, in that using RO water isn't going to save you money. Not even in a couple of years.
I'll even start by upping the stakes against my opinion... Lowe's has a five-stage RO unit on sale right now for $187. Let's call it $200, installed.
There's no way that I can believe that you're going to save $200, even over three years, by using RO water.
Using RO water, you have at least the following operating costs:
* Increased water usage (may be minimal cost for some people).
* Filter media replacement
* Reconstituting chemicals -- I don't really believe you don't need them "with the right substrate", mostly because I've never seen any data backing that up. Granted, most of the water chemistry information I've seen is tied to planted tanks. However, from what I understand, RO water, by itself, is not optimal for fish, as it's missing some fairly key trace elements.
On the other hand, using tap water, you have ...
* Dechlorinator. Currently, I use Prime, and my $6 bottle could theoretically last almost four years. At most, and being generous, dechlor will cost about $20/year.
* AmmoLock, fish stress stuff -- never use 'em, there's no need, if you keep a properly maintained tank. But, just for the sake of argument, lets say you buy a container of this kind of stuff quarterly. Call it ... oh, four things at an average of $7.50, or $30/year.
You can't really claim that using RO water will eliminate the need for medicine, in my opinion. While it sounds reasonable that you'll have fewer diseases to treat, it may not be the case. In fact, you could end up causing more harm than good, if you mess up your reconstitution (low KH --> pH crash, anyone?).
So, even with (in my opinion) very generous estimates, you'd spend around $50 per year on "water treatment". Heck, toss in $20 a year on "saved medicine", if you like. That still means the cost of the RO unit will take three years to "pay off", and that's not including the operating costs of the unit itself. I have no idea what those are, but it doesn't seem unreasonable that the filters alone would eat up the $70/year you just "saved", or a good part of it.