Stocking Opitons?

lol i know that but what about the dwarf diereses and what about my stock list and the 8.0ph ??
4 Kuhlis Loaches
4 Green Cobra Guppies
1 Power Blue Dwarf Gourami
10 Neon Cardinals
6 Pandas Cory's
4 Cherry Shrimp
Do I need to get 6 kuhlis? I was talking to a friend online and pointed me to this thing (guess i cant post it ) and I am using it to mess around with. it is a tank advisor thing
okay after playing around with an advisor online this is the list i have come up with that I really really like
5 Kuhlis Loaches
1 Power Blue Dwarf Gourami
15 Neon Tetra
6 Pandas Cory's
10 Cherry Shrimp
This is some of the recomendations

Recommended temperature range: 24 - 27 C.
Recommended pH range: 6 - 7.5.
Recommended hardness range: 5 - 15 dH.

You have plenty of aquarium filtration capacity.

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 146%.
Recommended water change schedule: 31% per week.
Your aquarium stocking level is 120%

What would be best and fastest way to get my ph down to 7.5? How important is ph and dh to the fish ? If properly acclimated should they all survive and be happy and health. Sorry if this is irritating I'm just trying to make sure I do this thing right.
right well first of all a lot of members tell people to stay away from that site! it doesnt take into account a lot of things and is pretty unreasonable.

secondly a couple of the species you have mentioned are particularly sensitive to new tanks with unstable water conditions, i.e. neon tetras and panda cories.

dwarf gouramies are also susceptible to DGD as people have already mentioned. they might also pick off your shrimp depending on how big both parties are :)
okay so I'm going to drop all other forums I'm on and go with this one since it matches most of the research I look up after talkin, and I actually get answers and not people just telling me its not going to work. I am gonna go with 5 Kuhlis Loaches,1 Power Blue Dwarf Gourami,10 Neon Tetra,6 Pandas Cory's,10 Cherry Shrimp. I know this is a lot of Shrimp but I would like to see them and if they multiply to fast I can sell move to other tanks or feed them to my moms oscars.
depending on how many plants/wood/stones etc you have ten shrimpo will disappear as soon as you put them in, haha dont worry about them multiplying too fast, you barely notice them and they hardly affect the filter because they have such a small bioload.

I'd be thinking of a different cory and a diferent tetra really simply because they are quite fragile. My stocking would be:

Trio of honey gourami
10 rummynose tetra
6-8 skunk cories
5 khulis
and however many cherry shrimp you want :)

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