Stocking Opitons?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 9, 2012
Reaction score
Carriere, Mississippi
I have a 25g glass aquarium, it is second hand and in decent condition( can see wear in it). My filters are 2 Tetra Whisper 10-30i PowerFilter's ( plan to be adding 2Tetra Whisper 2-10i Power Filter's in the back-ground for incase I need hospital tank or quarntine tank,that way they will already be cycled), my heater is Tetra Heater 10-30, my air pump is a Aqua Culture: 20-60 Gallon, Double Outlet Aquarium Air Pump( pumps out around 2800cc a minute) running a 14inch air stone. My decor is just silk and plastic plants from wal-mart(as is most everthing else from there). I have just a regular wal-mart stick on thermometer. I also have the wal-mart magnetic algea scraper. My gravel is what i would call fine river pebble gravel. My test kit is Api Master Fresh-water test kit. I'm using Aqua-safe water conditioner from Tetra.

Anyone got any stocking idea's for me ?
What would be cool ?
How could I get the best look for my tank?
Ph is around 8
Oh and it would be good if you have, black sand, smooth river rocks, a nice piece of driftwood with some Riccia on it, some crypts, anubias, and possibly some moneywort, or rotalla indica. A moss ball, various sized stones, and some caves
All those fish would be okay together? what about if i swopped the cardinals for Green Cobra Guppies? and the 6 endlers and 3 platies with 8 cory cat's ? would this work? i really want some cory's
Pygmy cories would be best as they have a small bio load, I don't think that regular cories could work though, and if you got guppies they would most likely be harrased or harras the betta, :good:
And if you don't like the cardinals, maybe you could have a different type of small schooling fish instead. So maybe like 12 boras brigittae instead, or rummy nose tetras

They look like this, those are mine and I love them
I'll probably go with the 10 cardinals(i forgot the cardinals i dont like (pajama cardinal) are salt water lol noob mistake), 6 khuli loach's. I like those. NO betta I hate them thats all i been able to raise for 20 years i wanna move on to different stuff now lol. so that's 16 fish so far where does that leave me? i would also like possibly some shrimp maybe?
I think that you could have 6 pandas instead though, they tend to be smaller. So I don't think that they will be much of a difference and plus, youre tank is double filtered so I definitely think you could have pandas instead of Pygmys :good:
I think that some shrimp could work out well too maybe some cherry shrimp, and instead of the Betta, maybe you could have a dwarf gourami
Hm I like those, but I live in south Mississippi. I don't think I could find any oh here is a pic of my tank if this helps any. I know some fish like certain environments.


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Wow, your tank looks nice, and what about the endlers and platies, oh yeah and I think that instead of the endlers you could get 4 of those green cobra guppies that you wanted
I would love the dwarf groumi. So Cardinals, Panda Cory's, Dwarf Groumi, Cherry Shrimp. Anything else and what would some good numbers on those be?

Oh and the khuli loaches

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