Stocking Fluval Edge 6 Gallon

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First of all you are wrong about danios they breed in 78 degree water and they like 75 and lower. And i have medium water so it is perfect for all fish. Also you can never realley understand if a fish is truly 100 percent happy.
Also you can never realley understand if a fish is truly 100 percent happy.

This is the point I made earlier when you said your fish were "fine." There is no way to know what a fish actually feels or thinks. But there is a way to ensure they are more likely to be "fine" and "happy" and that is to understand their requirements respecting every aspect of their environment and provide those, or as close as possible. We do know that this reduces stress, and it is stress that weakens fish making them more susceptible to detrimental aspects and disease.

And i have medium water so it is perfect for all fish

This is doubtful, but I've no idea what "medium water" means to you nor what fish you have.
This is my last post, because I’m not getting anywhere. You need to provide the best for your fish, or rehome them if you can’t.
I am not rehoming them because then they will be given to someone who doesnt know how to take care of fish and also not everything dealing with fish care has to be perfect and fish are not humans there life is not as valuable as ours.
I have hard water and my danios had babies but it says that they need soft water so dont tell me that they are stressed because only happy fish reproduce.
I have hard water and my danios had babies but it says that they need soft water so dont tell me that they are stressed because only happy fish reproduce.
This is not necessarily true, many animals will withhold reproduction because their instincts tell them that the environment is not sustainable for their offspring, but many will reproduce anyway because their instincts tell them that they will not live long enough and should have as many young as possible in the hopes that some will survive and keep the line going
I am not rehoming them because then they will be given to someone who doesnt know how to take care of fish and also not everything dealing with fish care has to be perfect and fish are not humans there life is not as valuable as ours.
Just because they're life is not "as valuable" to the same standard, does not mean that they are disposable or that it is okay to not give them the best that we can provide. If you had a dog would you say that it's okay do leave it changed up in a dog house with no room to run for its whole life? We want our fish to have the space and water conditions that they require.
Looks like my thread was hijacked. Lord have mercy. I did have neons in there (5 or 6) at one time. They lived by themselves in a planted tank for about 3 years. I gave them away because I was going to go on an extensive travelling expedition (3 months teaching abroad) and wouldn't be able to take care of them. None got sick or died in my care. My fish seemed happy, but who the heck really knows. They can't bark like my pups do when they are in pain or need attention. I hate that someone was attacked on a thread that I started just because they mentioned their setup. At the end of the day, a fish is something we eat and a dog isn't. Just saying.

I've decided to get some tiny horned nerite snails and 3 yellow shrimp at this point (after I've finished cycling and setting up plants). I will later introduce a Dumbo Betta (thanks to the person who suggested them, as I actually think they are the prettiest ones). If he doesn't tolerate the shrimp and eats them, then it will ALL BE OK. I live in Louisiana and eating shrimp is a way of life here, so how can I judge my Betta for doing the same thing I do? It's just the circle of life ya'll. Peace and thanks to everyone who offered their advice and expertise.
Ya they are mean and they all attacked me for the fish in my tanks all because i tried to help you with ideas for your tank. They are not going to make me change anything about my tank setup because i do what i want. But good luck with your 6 gallon.
Looks like my thread was hijacked. Lord have mercy. I did have neons in there (5 or 6) at one time. They lived by themselves in a planted tank for about 3 years. I gave them away because I was going to go on an extensive travelling expedition (3 months teaching abroad) and wouldn't be able to take care of them. None got sick or died in my care. My fish seemed happy, but who the heck really knows. They can't bark like my pups do when they are in pain or need attention. I hate that someone was attacked on a thread that I started just because they mentioned their setup. At the end of the day, a fish is something we eat and a dog isn't. Just saying.

I've decided to get some tiny horned nerite snails and 3 yellow shrimp at this point (after I've finished cycling and setting up plants). I will later introduce a Dumbo Betta (thanks to the person who suggested them, as I actually think they are the prettiest ones). If he doesn't tolerate the shrimp and eats them, then it will ALL BE OK. I live in Louisiana and eating shrimp is a way of life here, so how can I judge my Betta for doing the same thing I do? It's just the circle of life ya'll. Peace and thanks to everyone who offered their advice and expertise.
Yeah I’m sorry for getting the ball rolling on all this
My intention was to say do what you like. I hope the tank goes well and would love to see it when it’s ready. Good luck.
This is a forum where aquarists can come for help. Other members offer suggestions to help them. When any post recommends misleading or inaccurate information, there is a need to point this out and possibly clarify or correct it. Other members may be misled into thinking it is "OK" to do whatever. There would be no benefit to anyone coming here for advice if they cannot trust it.

And I am also sorry that some members do not care more about the welfare of fish. They may be fish and not dogs but they are living creatures that deserve better. Surviving is not thriving.
No it isnt. If there is an inch per gallon and i have a 6 gallon and 6 tetras that works fine. My tetras do not looked stressed at all and their colors are very vibrant in the tank, they swim back and forth and dont even nip at each other. And when you tell me that the tank is too small, i am not going to do what you think is right so dont tell me what i am doing right or wrong because i did not ask for your opinion!!!
Wow! First, we don’t talk to other members like that. Second, the minimum tank size for 6 neon tetras is a 20G long. The inch per gallon does not apply to all fish, neons, being a schoaling fish, need more room. They may be ok for now but will eventually pay the price. Sorry.
Wow! First, we don’t talk to other members like that. Second, the minimum tank size for 6 neon tetras is a 20G long. The inch per gallon does not apply to all fish, neons, being a schoaling fish, need more room. They may be ok for now but will eventually pay the price. Sorry.
I agree. Just because fish seem fine does not mean they are thriving. Fish often do not show signs of stress until its likely too late. Even if they are not visibly stressed they will have a shortened life span and not live life to the fullest
Ya they are mean and they all attacked me for the fish in my tanks all because i tried to help you with ideas for your tank. They are not going to make me change anything about my tank setup because i do what i want. But good luck with your 6 gallon.
As I have already stated, I was not trying to be mean or aggressive. Only pointing out what is best for fish and members alike, as @Byron mentioned, nobody can trust the information on this forum if mistakes are not pointed out
Looks like my thread was hijacked. Lord have mercy. I did have neons in there (5 or 6) at one time. They lived by themselves in a planted tank for about 3 years. I gave them away because I was going to go on an extensive travelling expedition (3 months teaching abroad) and wouldn't be able to take care of them. None got sick or died in my care. My fish seemed happy, but who the heck really knows. They can't bark like my pups do when they are in pain or need attention. I hate that someone was attacked on a thread that I started just because they mentioned their setup. At the end of the day, a fish is something we eat and a dog isn't. Just saying.

I've decided to get some tiny horned nerite snails and 3 yellow shrimp at this point (after I've finished cycling and setting up plants). I will later introduce a Dumbo Betta (thanks to the person who suggested them, as I actually think tmhey are the prettiest ones). If he doesn't tolerate the shrimp and eats them, then it will ALL BE OK. I live in Louisiana and eating shrimp is a way of life here, so how can I judge my Betta for doing the same thing I do? It's just the circle of life ya'll. Peace and thanks to everyone who offered their advice and expertise.
My apologies on behalf of the forum for the hijacking and rudeness.
As I have already stated, I was not trying to be mean or aggressive. Only pointing out what is best for fish and members alike, as @Byron mentioned, nobody can trust the information on this forum if mistakes are not pointed out
agree. We learn by our mistakes and become all the wiser for them. :). No one needs to be nasty though.

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